Whenever we think of technology, we think of blockchain always creating the doubt and uncertainty of wanting something else, something that is easy and decentralized and, at the same time, easy to handle, that not only having knowledge allows us an easy access, but that It can also be managed. IONChain, is what we have been looking for a long time because it helps us to recover that trust in the data people and important.
It is a network of trust in which value can flow with as much freedom as information, using existing intelligent devices that are already present throughout the world. Exactly what I was looking for because who does not know how to manage a device is easier than that and, apart from how easy and simple. With IonChain your life becomes easy and with total confidence since this platform is what generates it.
It also focuses on improving the ease of transfer through various networks within the Internet and the social networking industry. By connecting digital assets, smart devices and user data, IONCHAIN will allow the true benefits of the digital economy to improve people's lives.
One of the things that attracted me to IONChain is blockchain technology, which is an easy implementation. It is probable that both people and companies avoid costly and complex processes in favor of traditional methods of value transfer and the probable problems with intelligent data, codes or devices.

Based in Singapore and Shanghai, the team is made up of developers who have worked on large-scale projects such as Hyperledger. The ICO was a voluntary approach to community participation, since the project had already obtained interest from the main private investment funds, such as LD Capital, Node Capital, Hashlink Capital and IBC Blockchain Capital.
Decentralization is one of the most important factors of this platform that works for large masses of people, being able to feel safe in the sense of how it is handled and making decisions in this type of platform is what is causing large movements to migrate to the platform . Chain of blocks. By doing so one of the best, do not hesitate and join.
Taking into account the main point of advantage in my opinion, I go to the second very important point, the problems of red which often are not safe, so that this market, the future of personal data and other data, can be limited in many cases, generating more profits for loyalty. and security search. It is also a system of decentralized exchange that is governed by the agents of this system, so that in this model the balance always seeks to provide a greater benefit to the people who place the trust.
The process of generating value can be divided into six layers:
Application layer
Service layer
Protocol layer
Smart contract layer
Blockchain layer
Data storage layer
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