On today’s episode of The Cryptoverse…
Here is how I spent my Sunday. Hope you enjoy the video :)
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Suppoman's Original Crypto Car Video:
▶️ DTube
LOL! That's pretty funny...I needed a good laugh today after the "boring" market.
haha very funny. I enjoyed that :)
Its great to take a break sometimes and enjoy something different! Its important to measure success your own way and not by what others or society says. My success came when I was able to prepay my daughter’s future college tuition. I am sure it will be my best investment ever!
I already knew about the car before the reveal because the Headlights were a dead Giveaway. I really hope one day I can also get one of those.
Classic video! LOL! Good one. Really made my day Chris!!!!
I guess you could have been a little more bold ... anyway Suppo really is unique and did a lot also on teaching the masses when it was the ICO fever past year... also nice to learn your end story moral (so 'readers' go there and watch the whole vid 'peeps' ), crypto early adopters should take some profits along the journey but also importat to take some fun ... that was a nice entry for you on Dash , I didn't known it reached 600 ducks ... ouch ... but we are going to reach that again, could be by fast devaluing the dollars ... watch out stable coins could be worth more than the real dollar soon LoL ...
Ha. Well played. Good to see some fun stuff. Cheers to healthy reality and growth.
Engine revvvvvv for markets and adoption too hopefully.
Curious to see where EOS and ETH go this next year.
I like that. Engine rev = markets getting ready :)
Wow, your car is a dream next to my car. Great video.
Expensive cars are a waste of money.
When I drive past big houses I think "poor guy, burdened with that much debt". Or after dealing with some rich people in my previous job, I think "poor guy working all the hours under the sun and having two heart attacks at the age of 50 and hardly seeing his family, but what a nice house". I personally invest more in life than wealth. Life's wealth is so much more important. Enlightenment sometimes comes too late for many thanks to videos like Suppoman. Well done on an enriching video, you may have saved some from a burdened lifestyle of too much work and no play.
I like Tesla car because the way of the future, electric cars are replacing the ones that pollute the environment...Support electric cars as future of transportation as blockchain tech being the future of money :)) that Nissan is nice car though, maybe you can swap in an electric motor in that Nissan hehe
suppoman the original hype man lol thought you was going to draw for the smart car haha bit disappointed no lie
The Renault Twzy is the number 1!!
LOL i don't think you need to apologize, laying into Suppoman isn't just the sole right of crypto Youtubers and redditors, Steemians should also get in on the action. I'm all for people who do well in crypto its great for the industry as a whole but I think there are many who are simply faking it, they have old money or they're leveraging fiat to look like they are great traders or genius crypto investors and selling the views instead of selling the concept
I don't read too much into what these guys say because I dont think they are being entirely honest
Absolutely brilliant video. Very transparent and honest and bloody hilarious. Very you 😆
I wrote to yr video on youtube, it is coooooooool
but for my own reasons i don't like my ride to be controlled by a computer.
it feels like we are heading fast to i, Robot, terminator era
I don't want to be a battery for a Machine. 😉 🙄 🤖 😀😃
Good news show Chris Coney.
Tesla released today new model Y
lol, nice inpersonation xD
Are you thinking about buying a Tesla?