Half charts and half news today. Bitcoin and Raven, then a look at Indian crypto regulatory news plus a social media app coming from BiTtorrent in Q2 2019.
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nice view about tx rate and adoption, some problems are better seen first because they can be better handled with the lessons learned from the experience botlenecks bring to our minds instead of claiming a milion speed of very testing environment focused variables not really real but only optimized and artificial ... lets wait and see how bitTorrent decides about that... ( to use or not use the tron 'ledger' network )
Amazing how the insert of one word (former) changes the entire meaning of the opinion.
I always enjoy when you play with Trading View tools in real time. Often that's how I learn that that particular feature even exists.
Interesting analysis on the Bearish Reversal. April could tell confirm the end of the bear period. Agree higher adoption in CC within India after verdict from Court could be catalyst for short term price rise.
Thank you for the TA! The EOS chart daily actually looks quite bullish to me.
Nice video, Chris. Both news stories were interesting and I'm excited to see where we go from here. I was a little stunned to hear "4,000" transactions/second for EOS... I'm so used to high scale applications that I forgot how far we have to go in the crypto space :)
Tokenization of BitTorrent was a brilliant move on Justin Sun part... for the first time I'm looking forward to hosting files.
Nice to have some news. Like to here some about Ravencoin.
Sorry you're not feeling 100% this morning. Really like the technical analysis! Also good pick on the news stories.
Posted using Partiko Android
Excellent TA once again!
Thank you for the explanation, Chris. Especially for the chartanalyse , you made it easier to understand for beginners
Hi Chris, hope you dont mind for offtopic post. Didn't you look into the Bitfinxe, OTC desk, or whatever that was, where you needed a specific coin, which was impossible to get more or less, asking as just tried to access the eosfinex beta, and requiriing an EOX token, was reminded of your video (which i can't find). What was the solution again?