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RE: Indecision: Why I'm Not that Good at Day Trading Crypto

in #crypto7 years ago

Good strategy, but what timeframe do you use? How long do you wait to separate out the thirds? If you're wanting to buy and the price is just going up, do you then buy at the higher and higher prices or do you just sit and wait, only having bought one third of what you intended to buy?


Try to think for a beginners or newcomers fist time to buy and invest.

Let's say:
a minnow has $300
a dolphin has $3000
a whale has $30,000

If you can visualize and view that by just adding a zero or taking away a zero to what ever total you may categorize yourself. Just imagine if all the fishes in the ocean followed "thirds rule strategy" and divided their investments into 1/3rds and used this measurement. Setting each buy order in thirds and setting each sell order in thirds, eventually it will allow every fish to hit their 1/3rd and would slowly but surely end up in the GREEN. Kind of like set it and forget it. Let the chips fall as they may. I have a saying..."don't be TOO greedy".

P.S. After each 1/3rd is filled, Rinse and Repeat either buy back lower(same amount of coins sold) or sell back higher (same amount of coins bought), left over balance needs to be transfered into Cold Storage Wallet as your trading Profits that way you can keep track. Rinse and Repeat.
P.S.S. If you look at my SBD post, imagine all 3 sell orders filled!!! Now I can set low orders and buy back my SBD but cheaper. Buy in thirds and Sell in thirds.