While the old financial sector is assuming a position of spectator, Polybius Bank have advanced to a new direction using a blockchain base. Polybius is about to become the first legitimate cryptocurrency bank, this means that our futurist cryptocurrency economy will be backed up by an official institution. This new economy will have the opportunity to trespass the ordinary spaces and provide a new service with a great accessibility, also considering the fact that the costs of conversion between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies will have a significant reduction.
Polybius opened a crowdfunding (ICO) on May 31st, this ICO will last until July 5. The institution has currently raised about 25 million dollars from over 23,900 participants.
ICO details
What is a Polybius token:Polybius token - Polybius Blockchain Share - represents the right to receive a part of company's profit. All token holders are eligible for obtaining dividends according to their stakes. Any number of tokens (100%) sold at the end of ICO have right to receive 20% of company's profits
Payout Structure: According to the company bylaws, at the end of a financial year 20% of the company's profit is transferred to an ETH wallet. The ETH is then redistributed to all holders of Polybius Tokens according to smart contract conditions
Total supply:20,000,000 (twenty million) tokens
Adjustable:Yes. All unsold tokens will be burned
Initial Rate:Price per token, locked. 1 token = 10 USD
If you want to become a member just register at polybius.io to become a member of the Polybius ICO. Tokens can be bought using Bitcoin,Ethereum, Dash,Emercoin, as well as euros or US dollars.
Thanks for sharing. Still some questions:
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