
Thanks for the post Lloyd, I'm JK!

Your story is very informative as I'm a Newbie to crypto!

Moments of life have found me charting and day trading. Learning and always learner.

What a rabbit hole bitcoin is to dive into! Amazing.

Are you finding the charting patterns for crypto working similarly to other traded markets?

What differences are you encountering? Thanks so much and have an excellent journey!

Hey thanks for the info. I'm a newbie to cryptos but I can see there's a lot of potential out there if you're prepared to learn. I look forward to your future posts. I have heard people on Steemit say that to get noticed you just gotta be consistent with your posts. I think you have the potential to get a big following cos you obviously know why you're talking about. I will continue to follow you and support you cos I think you will go far here! Good luck!