in #crypto7 years ago


Especially in rising economies today, as per the Global Findex report, two billion individuals around the globe need access to money related administrations, particularly access to credit. The high cost of managing an account administrations has made a gap among people as keeping money combinations regularly make their administrations past the compass of the poorest populaces or those living in remote territories. The absence of access to monetary administrations can be ascribed to the high cost of capital, data asymmetry, and the high cost of managing an account foundation.

On account of these issues, to accomplish the fantasy of general access to credit, the Swapy Network, a decentralized convention that is centered around associating the different members inside the money related industry (borrowers, lenders, safety net providers, information makers, information shoppers, and so on.) has been set up to empower people as well as organizations to offer or devour administrations and cooperate inside the biological system to diminish the costs of monetary administrations. Expenses for working in the Swapy Network will be charged in Swapy cryptographic tokens (SWAPY), which will empower token holders the entrance rights to utilize the Swapy Network, profiting from and adding to it, and accepting tokens in return. The Swapy Network expects to determine issues of access to credit by encouraging credit offers with a specific end goal to bring down the expenses of capital, the Swapy arrange disposes of data asymmetry between members by means of an information organize that is refreshed and ordinarily shared. Additionally, Swapy organize supports bring down cost capital and better data that can lessen entrance obstructions for new organizations. Swapy Network gives better information with the goal that credit organizations can settle on better loaning choices and offer lower rates to great customers.


The Swapy's product improvement began on July first, 2017. Our discharge breakthroughs are isolated into:

• Private alpha

• Public alpha

• Private beta

• Public beta

• Stable rendition

On July 31st, we discharged our private alpha as a see containing the raising support contracts. By October tenth, the Swapy group publicly released its convention and discharged people in general alpha of our first decentralized application on Ropsten test net, the Swapy Exchange. By mid-December, the Swapy group discharged a refreshed rendition of the Swapy Exchange D'App and furthermore gave a model of a decentralized personality utilizing the uPort. By January, the Swapy group gave in test net the capacity to trade gathering pledges resources through a commercial center and added the likelihood to incorporate Swapy Tokens as insurance when banks make raising support offers. From that point forward we are working towards Swapy Network's own self-sovereign character brilliant contracts, code libraries, and the Swapy Financial ID decentralized application. From that point until the finish of our TGE, we will likewise be checking on prerequisites for the Swapy Exchange, the Swapy Financial ID and the Swapy Data Market, and in addition prototyping the Swapy Financial ID and the Swapy Data Market. After the TGE, our calendar is as per the following:

• first quarter after TGE - Swapy Financial ID open alpha on test net giving distinguishing proof and verification Swapy Exchange tokenized resources. Swapy Data Market private alpha on test net working 1 to 1 information deals.

• second quarter after TGE - Swapy Exchange and Swapy Financial ID private beta on primary net executing genuine tokens. Every loan specialist or loaning organization willing to join the Swapy Network will have their own course of events to begin utilizing the Swapy Exchange contingent upon the consistence procedure.

• third quarter after TGE - Swapy Exchange and Swapy Financial ID open beta on fundamental net. Open "Interface with Swapy ID" API accessible. Anybody can utilize it for any reason and execute genuine tokens. Swapy Data Market on private beta executing genuine tokens and genuine information from Swapy Financial ID.

• fourth quarter after TGE - Swapy Data Market open beta on fundamental net. Swapy Exchange and Swapy Financial ID changes. Arranging the next year considering the group studies. For a more point by point rundown of turning points, please check our wiki at: www.github.com/SwapyNetwork/wiki/wiki/Estimated-Milestones


SWAPY is an ERC20 token and furthermore speaks to the essential unit of significant worth in the Swapy Network. SWAPY is an utility token which can be utilized for the accompanying when they wind up accessible:

• Paying for administrations in Swapy Network

• As insurance while asking for advances

• Pay for the person's data

Additionally, the Swapy group is building three decentralized open-source applications in which the Swapy Tokens can be utilized as a part of:

• Swapy Exchange

• Swapy Financial ID

• Swapy Data Market

A solitary unit of the SWAPY has eighteen decimal focuses.


Site : https://swapy.network/

Whitepaper : https://www.swapy.network/SwapyNetworkWhitePaper-English.pdf

ANN: http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2372636.0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swapynow

My bountyhive username : kitha


Nice presentation, I love this project , very coordinated and with good concepts