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RE: Indecision: Why I'm Not that Good at Day Trading Crypto

in #crypto7 years ago

I agree this is some of the best high level trading advice I heard .... but then to build on that, from your experience, what's the best way to know a good security (stock or crypto whatever the proper universal term is) to invest in for the long term? Should it be based on research, knowledge, momentum.....technical analysis? For example...for me personally, I am fine holding long term for both bitcoin and ether and possibly litecoin.... but I know I could be making some gains in the short term with the volatility of the crypto market and possibly even get in early, like the OP said on a newer crypto which I also am a supporter for, such as PivX, under a dollar now .... I guess diversifying is key and I do have a good mix of things with my basis being in bitcoin and ether .....just put some more in litecoin too ... but like I sold ether a bit at its high also (half of my eths) got a profit cause it was clear it was gonna come down a little and I just today and yesterday bought most of it back ..... but I guess you're right in the long term I probably put a lot of time and attention into selling and buying back for less and I am also taking a risk..... when passively I can just leave it there .... pretty much what I do with btc except for when I trade but I keep my core like portfolio with a set amount of btc and anything outside of that I don't allow.myself to trade unless I have pending transactions from coinbase 😊 ... thanks OP great question I am new to trading in general have watched a shit ton of videos the last few months but I feel the same way you do ... I bought pivx at both 33cents and91 cents somewhere along the well actually sold some at 42 cents bc I got nervous lol ... as of now I'm not touching my pivx just building on it in case I have some reason to take some out ......