Very few projects so far have caught my attention in regards to how the technology will impact the way we live. For example, I supported datum because I believe in the future the most valuable commodity will be our data. I supported Bancor because I believe everything will be tokenized and everyone will be able to do so with ease. Hydrominer in my opinion, will be the future of sustainable mining when it comes to combining token generation and energy efficiency.
As governments and companies alike move into alternative forms of energy natural sources of power will be utilised exponentially. For anyone that has ever tried to mine Bitcoin, you know how expensive it can be and how much energy is wasted in the form of heat. As we shift slowly move away from fossil fuels into sustainable forms of energy companies like Hydrominer that utilize sustainable energies will receive incentives that will also benefit the investors who mine through them.

The team is planning to utilize hydro-power stations in the Alps region, and thus be able to reach one of the lowest prices per kilo Watt in Europe. The benefit is double fold since the water will also be used for cooling the mining equipment. In my opinion it can't get more energy efficient than this. Their goal is also to have the industry's lowest carbon footprint and I personally salute this effort. Currently their cost of electricity is 85% lower than the average in Europe so they are off with a great start.
So there you have it folks. Making money mining while being kind to the environment that sustains us. The current allocation for the coin mining is as follows and it will change depending on incentives and opportunities from the crypto market.

The ICO is taking place of the 18th of October in an effort to be in line with the regulatory authorities and a negotiation with a major investor. Below there are some info in regards to the token allocation, token burning and current road map. I would suggest visiting the Hydrominer website for more information. As always, this is not an investing advice so do your due diligence.

Sounds like an interesting concept, and this is the one that is going to mine whatever is most profitable, and pay out out in Eth? I will look more into it, thanks for the heads up
Yeap, with all the saving the environment craze these guys will get huge benefits from the EU funding and thus be able to pay the investors back even more. I think this is how they are going to keep an edge on things.
Nice. I looked into it a little, and the people running it have already ran some mining farms and seem to know what they are doing.
this is to be an experience for me, thanks to @kyriacos for information, this post is the best, I Upvote your post and you can follow me @syar
It's too expensive 0.01 ETH per 1 H2o
Taking a page from the Chinese I see.. Electricity in China is extremely cheap due to the massive hydro-electric facilities, all subsidized by the state... an interesting by product of their industrialization... crypto mining dominance.
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UpvoteThis is very valuable , most important and talented article with easy to learn chart. Thank you for sharing @kyriacos
this is comment is very useless, non important or talented writing about an easy to learn chart that is not there.
Thankyou for information @kyriacos
Good information. It'll useful for the environment and the earth.
Thanks for sharing @kyriacos
FoLLoWeDHello @kyriacos, nice article written about Hydrominer, very useful projects you discussed. planning of your team is appreciatable to utilizing hydro power stations to Alps regions due to lowest cast. keep it up i m waiting and supported your upcoming articles like that.
I would love to mine but can't afford the rigs....anyways have a pizza on me

Wonder if we could get this going at Niagara Falls?
10% payout to the devs PLUS 10% buybacks - looks like a great deal... for the devs anyway 🤔
Very good project indeed ! The potential is huge and will attract investors who care about the future of our children.
you could probably also try to utilise the heated water. hehe
Nice article, it is probably one of the cheapest way to build electricity on the long term. I don't know if there is a lot of margin to increase its capacity over the world.
I wonder if people can really manage at the ocean level either the "Marine current power" or "Wave energy harvesting", it will be the next stage for electricity, still at the prototyping stage, hope to see that.
China was doing something similar on either smaller, similar, or some cases much bigger scale.
It's time the west keep up and do it in a way not only a handful of capitalist profits from it.
This post was very informative thank you for sharing
Congratulations it's beautiful @kyriacos . Must feel great - that is a lot of work!
Very fascinating and informative post shared followed . @kyriacos Wish you the best with all your future endeavors.
Excellent post @kyriacos, Authorizes me to translate into Spanish?
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The availability hydroelectric power is rather limited by geography. Proof of Stake is another way to secure cryptocurrency network. I'd say there's nothing wrong with Proof of Work so long as useful things get done with said work, hence Gridcoin, for example.
If you want carbon neutral hashing, maybe advanced nuclear reactors are favourable option, too.
I'm actually stoked that they postponed the ICO to the 18th, gives me some time to save up for the first ICO I have ever felt excited enough to participate in!
Good information about btc mining. I have some more useful information about the cryptocurrencies minin @gmirfani