The world of cryptocurrencies is one of the markets that is attracting large numbers of investors. Traditional investors, asset managers and operators look with great interest on digital assets to invest and multiply their capital.
For investing in this new market, you will have to download several tools and attend to their use individually in order to be able to participate in the crypto space of each of the available asset. This situation is a barrier for individuals and institutions to participate. Also, this makes centralized control of the investments made impossible and the difficulty of monitoring the status of digital assets in real time.
Caspian makes our work easier. With Caspian, we obtain a complete list of financial tools that make it possible to participate in this growing economy. Among the best functions of this system is its interconnection with the main exchanges. This quality offers users a unique place to interact with the entire cryptographic space.
Trading in cryptoactives is easy thanks to Caspian
Trading is a term that in recent times has become fashionable. Many are those who talk about it but, what trading stands for? Trading consists of buying and selling assets in the financial markets in order to obtain large profits.
The idea is to buy cheap and sell expensive, thus obtaining the profit!.
In this type of business for investors (Individuals or Companies) there are two fundamental factors: Reliable information and time. By not having to navigate through various platforms to obtain information on digital assets, investors get a great advantage with any of its competitors.
Caspian facilitates reports with solid information on the markets of crypto assets and minimizes waiting times for transactions by being interconnected with the most important and reputable exchanges. This can be done by negotiating in any of its modalities, doing an operation in which crypto assets are bought and sold in very short periods of time. These operations can last in some cases up to a few seconds.
Caspian available functions
Caspian targets the following three functions:
Source:Whitepaper page 12
- Execution
- Position & Risk Management
- Compliance & Reporting
Caspian offers its users a range of financial tools that were previously only available when each Exchange was used individually. With Caspian we will access all available Exchanges, all from a single platform and the best we will have the possibility to access all its functions.
This means that you can see the full picture of the behavior of digital asset markets. This allows you to study the inflection points of the market to know when and how investments should be made to obtain greater profitability
Position & Risk Management
In this business if we want to have investments in different digital assets and invest in the cryptocurrencies that are going out daily, it is necessary to have a good control over the investments that will be made. Caspian gives us the best solution for this situation. This platform becomes a pioneer, as it offers a platform where you can view all the operations that are running and a historical record of the transactions.
Caspian facilitates the analysis of the markets: compare prices, divest, reinvest and track the gains and losses of multiple portfolios. The management of multiple accounts is a more feasible activity thanks to the Caspian interface.
This interface gives the possibility for the investor to manage their assets in real time. Additionally, it can be said that Caspian is not designed to modify in any way the markets of digital assets or to compete with existing Exchanges. On the contrary, its objective is to support, facilitate and optimize the purchase of digital assets. The acquisition of crypto assets in a reliable manner to a large number of participants is what Caspian always seeks to help bring liquidity, volume, and dynamism to the sector.
All compliance features Caspian solves using a patented Tora technology on its platform, this allows extremely low latency and extensive functionality. One of the great innovations in this area is the possibility of making warnings that indicate the proximity of an important condition imposed by the user. Compliance currently consists of three types:
- Warning Limit: As the name implies, a warning suggesting a rule is about to be broken.
- Approval Limit: This requires a supervisor to enter a password to override the compliance alert.
- Absolute Limit: The absolute limit is a limit that cannot be overridden by any means.
These functionalities are one of the most options to establish operating parameters that minimize the chances of losing money at all times.
For merchants in the system, pre-marketing alerts are included and post-marketing compliance includes alerts, monitoring, and reports. These alerts and reports can be sent to users by email or through other mechanisms, either at a time scheduled by the client or immediately when the events occur.
In this type of business, as in any other, it is extremely important to have first hand and reliable information to make good decisions. When a decision equates to thousands of dollars in losses or gains, we must make sure that we have the land flattened in our favor.
To achieve the best possible position we must be able to access the reports quickly and easily. Users can create a report that is tailored to their requirements through a dynamic web-based tool they can use, create, format and receive graphic reports about their current business and situation. The formats of the reports will not be a problem either since multiple formats such as PDF or Excel will be available.
These reports will be the photograph of the current state of the investments of each one of the users. The reports will also be available at any time and can be manipulated (dynamic tables, filtering, etc.) to obtain real-time information on the operation of the fund.
Caspian allows efficient management of cryptographic resources. At the time of audits, countries or companies will be able to gather all the necessary information to support the management.
Perhaps the greatest attraction of this platform lies in the fact that it facilitates the investment and care of assets for individuals and companies. Anyone wishing to invest in crypto assets will see in Caspian the best of the tools as it presents the synthesized information and allows online monitoring of the funds invested.
This is an example of the compliance window
Social media & additional resources
- Caspian Website
- Caspian WhitePaper
- Caspian Telegram
- Caspian Blog
- Caspian Events
- Caspian News
- Caspian Media
- Caspian Challenge
- Caspian Linkedin
- Caspian Steemit
- Caspian Youtube
- Caspian Videos
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Is caspian an app ? Or an exchange?
How exactly does it manage crypto assets sorry