The Journey to Tau Net: The Find of a Groundbreaking Project

in #crypto10 months ago (edited)

In 2017, one of my best friends, @kevinwong , told me about a project that looked like it would be a good addition to the fast-growing field of blockchain. I had no idea that the TauChain, or Tau Net now project would become so much more than just another blockchain project.

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Now that we're in the present, I have a sum of investment in the form of AGRS, which is the token. When I first bought them in 2017, the tokens cost me an average of $0.80 each. They are now worth $4.58 per AGRS.

AGRS - CoinGecko

The Brain Behind Tau Net

Tau Net was established by Ohad Asor, who has been recognised as a key figure in the fields of technology and mathematics since its inception. At his young age of thirteen, he embarked on his interest in and talent for technology. It is just a few of the many key fields of computer science and artificial intelligence that he is knowledgeable about. Some of these topics include logic, machine learning, programming, and complexity theory.

Ohad Asor

How Tau Net Came to Be

In an interview, Asor said that Tau Net was mostly created because of a need in the blockchain world. Decentralisation is one of the main ideas behind blockchains, but one important part stayed centralised: the description of the network or the software code. A small group of developers were in charge of this. Asor's idea was to let people talk to each other in languages that machines could understand. This would make a "opinion map" that could help find an agreement. This is a unique way for Tau Net to solve the problem.
Ohad's Interview with
English Part 1 Part 2

Why Tau Net's AI Is Different

In this interview, "Tau" and "Agoras" creator and CTO Ohad Asor describes logical AI and discusses its uses. He believes logical AI, Tau Net's base, is harder to understand than machine learning. The 1970s saw logical AI progress stall due to widespread doubts about its practicality.

In the new millennium, rational AI fulfilled its promises again. Through logic, formerly impossible problems were addressed. Due to this transition, IT companies may use logical AI. Think database systems. He argues they are computational thinking and the IT industry's main revenue stream.

Asor absolutely distinguishes his AI from ML software. Machine learning systems can process vast amounts of data, but they're not as smart or trustworthy as logical AI. Logical AI is better for Asor since it instantly understands and processes right and logical phrases. This enhances it.

He also thinks that logic and machine learning can be applied to mathematics but not vice versa. However, logical AI trumps machine learning in many ways, especially in logic and accuracy.


Traditional AI/Logical AI (DALL-E-3)

Where Tau Net Is Going

According to Asor, Tau Net will be used in areas other than blockchain. As of right now, the project is setting up its guaranteed blockchain. This will be the first blockchain that users fully control. A "knowledge economy" that makes it easy to trade information directly will be possible. In the future, Tau Net will be put forward as a way for big businesses or even whole countries to do more business. Aside from that, it's being marketed as a way for people and states to make democratic decisions together.


For the most part, my time with Tau Net has been fun. It was not only a good investment, but it also led me to a project that could change many businesses. What will Tau Net do next? I'm excited to see how it changes the future of blockchain, AI, and other things. I am eager to hear your thoughts on the Tau!

Onwards and upwards - Killuminatic.

More on Tau:
Tau Net Official Website


LFG brotha!

Let's go, let's go!