faucets clikcing sucks, but these faucets pay extreme much!!!!!!!!!

in #crypto7 years ago

We all know faucets where you can click, then see some ads, click again, click a captcha, and get less then 0.1 cent for it. As we all know they do not pay much, but how about these payouts, daily!
Up to 52 Dogecoin per claim
630 satoshi per claim
8800 Litoshi per claim
1800 dashtoshi per claim and 2400 Bitcoincash satoshi per claim!

These amounts are crazy high, and the good thing is: you can earn them easily.

You can claim whenever you like, you can mine inside the website on your computer and you can get referrals to earn more.
Alos you can convert your coins to other coins, so you can for instance convert your BTC to , lets say, dogecoin and send it to your own Doge account, to avoid the very high costs of Bitcoin withdrawals/sending.
Coinpot and the Moon faucets is a different kind of faucets, the number of coins you get is extremely high and also depending on 3 factors: Loyalty, Referral and Mystery Bonus.

When working with thes faucets you will need a Coinpot account, where all you Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin and Dash can be put under one account.
Start here by signing up:

  1. Dogecoin: get up to 52 dogecoin per claim, depending on your Daily Loyalty Bonus, Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus.
    The number of dogecoins per claim increases by time, so you can choose to click once per day or once per 5 minutes or per hour.
    Click here: https://goo.gl/CpfrFK

  2. Bitcoin: get up to 630 satoshi per claim, depending on your Daily Loyalty Bonus, Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus.
    The number of satoshi per claim increases by time, so you can choose to click once per day or once per 5 minutes or per hour.
    Click here: https://goo.gl/n7Pxev

  3. Litecoin get up to 8800 litoshi per claim, depending on your Daily Loyalty Bonus, Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus.
    The number of litoshi per claim increases by time, so you can choose to click once per day or once per 5 minutes or per hour.
    Click here: https://goo.gl/4PK7Mw

  4. Dash: get up to 1800 Dashtoshi per claim, depending on your Daily Loyalty Bonus, Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus.
    The number of Dashtoshi per claim increases by time, so you can choose to click once per day or once per 5 minutes or per hour.
    Click here: https://goo.gl/XfTqra

  5. Bitcoin Cash: get up to 2400 satoshi per claim, depending on your Daily Loyalty Bonus, Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus.
    The number of satoshi per claim increases by time, so you can choose to click once per day or once per 5 minutes or per hour.
    Click here: https://goo.gl/rL9xJN

After a while you see the bonusses increasing and the calim amount rising, especially if you invite some friends ore relatives to join you.
Easy money and a nice sum of these 5 coins is waiting for you, and best of all; its all free.
Use the coins you get with this coinpot faucets to start mining somewhere, for instance with this free mining program: https://goo.gl/59ToQX