Zcash has now been added to the short list of coins available on Coinbase.com
Zcash is a privacy focused coin that was a surprise add by many to Coinbase.
Zcash joins a short list on Coinbase that now includes:
- Bitcoin
And now... Zcash.
This move came as a bit of surprise to some as Zcash has been removed from some exchanges due to its focus on privacy.
There is a major catch to its inclusion on Coinbase though.
Users will be able to send Zcash to Coinbase from both shielded and unshielded address, however, they will only be able to send Zcash from Coinbase to unshielded address.
This from Coinbase:
"Initially, customers can send ZEC to Coinbase from both transparent and shielded addresses, but only send off Coinbase to transparent addresses. In the future, we’ll explore support for sending ZEC to shielded addresses in locations where it complies with local laws.”
(Source: https://www.ccn.com/privacy-friendly-cryptocurrency-zcash-goes-live-on-coinbase-com/)
Zcash is not available in all states and all jurisdictions on Coinbase, but they said they will look to gain inclusion as time goes on.
Stay informed my friends.
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Follow me: @jrcornel
With the markets the way they are; all zcash is going down the drain 😂😂😂
Was that a pun cornydog?
LOL @brendanvanbreda remember how you said no one hears anything about Zcash because they so private well here you go
Posted using Partiko iOS
There have been several pretty shocking adds to Coinbase lately, we need to get steem on there.
Agreed like ETC what a joke that’s such a dead coin they only listed it since they had some they needed to offload or so I’ve heard!
Steem on coin base and kucoin would be legit for sure!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Coinbase seems to be picking the low hanging fruit in terms of what the SEC may or may not consider a security. Whichever coins are the least likely to be a security, coinbase is the most likely to add. I would think steem would fit that qualification, plus it is reasonably popular.
Not that it is the breaking point but a solid one in crypto worldCan’t wait to see the day #steem can be be part this.
Posted using Partiko iOS
We should start sending emails to them on a daily basis asking them add steem.
Now they just need to add steem.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I heard that somewhere.
Interesting they have kept close to the names they originally listed as considering. That leaves Cardano and Stellar Lumens next on the list so will be interesting which comes first. Can't wait for them to get through them so we can see which are next... hopefully STEEM!
The further steem falls on coinmaketcap, the less likely that becomes. Also the cost of hosting steem wallet functionality on an exchange is rather high compared to many other coins, no?
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Cool, send me a bitcoin and I will.