We Need YOUR Help!

in #crypto5 years ago

We could really use your help with our work.


The work we do here takes more and more of our time and money every day. We fund CryproCriterion ourselves. The 15-hour plus days go by quickly because we love what we do. Because of you, we are growing. (Two million plus active readers.) Due to the things we bring you, our costs are becoming a limit for us. Access to our material is free and will always remain so. This is one of our core fundamentals.

When we saw the need for CryptoCriterion we understood there would be costs. Nothing is free. At the time we believed that we could cover our expenses with member and subscription fees. The problem for us was appearing like every other outlet. The most common models are subscription or paid advertising. With 2,000,000 readers and growing, we could easily charge advertisement fees. The problem with that is simply appearance. Being old school, we reasoned correctly, the appearance of conflict is every bit as bad as genuine conflict. How could any readership trust what we told them if we were being paid by the very people we were claiming represented the problems in Crypto?

We have endorsed several blockchain endeavors. More opportunities are coming to crypto every day. However, most of our time is directed at fixing crypto by calling out the bad guys. This practice is costly.

As far as a subscription model, we are acutely aware of all the scammers who promise a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you will only pay them a mere $29.99 or just $10.00 a month. You also know how much we detest those people. FYI, here’s the real secret to crypto and it’s free: stay in blue-chips, buy tokens in Pre-sale Phase 1, watch here for Crypto 2.0 companies as they emerge and watch your money like it’s yours. Our readers follow our input and output great returns. There is no need to go searching for the pot of gold: we've already told you where it is.

We never expected to grow this fast. For us, our readers are our partners. Pulling the curtain back on crypto is our movement. It is our passion. If you are watching Crypto events, you have seen that world news regularly follows CryptoCriterion’s posts. We have unique access to information and data. We spend countless hours with a broad spectrum of professionals digesting and dissecting what we find, often bringing numerous disconnected pieces of information together to create our posts.

We have combined our original vision of monitoring REAL ICOs with uncovering the REAL problems with crypto, this has created a growth of team members that we must pay. Not only do we work side by side with crypto companies, but we also spend extensive hours performing investigative reporting on crypto companies that are not legitimate, or otherwise have something to hide.

Our mission is to promote the right kind of crypto and do all in our power to expose the bad actors. If we are going to affect the right kind of change in Crypto and maintain a say in what happens next, we need to continue to grow our partnership with our readers until together we become a force. To do this we need your help. We buy advertising when we can afford it. We’d like to buy more. We have all the expenses of any growing company. Recently we’ve had to increase our business and personal security at great expense. We seem to be offending all the best people. We’d like to expand our staff and capabilities for you.

Jon handles virtually all of the tech and now fights ever increasing site attacks daily, all while performing work with industry leaders and ICOs that have partnered with us. This added work is negatively affecting his ability to work for you, and that is exactly its intended purpose. Those 16 hour days sometimes turn into 72-hour no-sleep sessions.

Our team works daily researching, transcribing and translating news from around the world so we can post information that matters once or twice a week. Our readership is also fast becoming an invaluable source of new information and direction. We are working with REAL, Utilitarian companies that we feel are already transforming cryptocurrency and blockchain tech. Their efforts will move crypto forward to a new day in global commerce and private social intercourse.

We began CC with a profit model in mind. That model simply did not fit also providing meaningful service to millions. We have quickly evolved into a nonprofit philosophy. We have small income streams from promotion and consulting work, however that barely covers 10% of our costs. We provide whatever service we can to emerging blockchain companies for whatever they can afford in our effort to help them start on the right track, or make meaningful changes to their current model.

The Bottom Line

Will you help us continue our work here? We are not asking for the kind of money that is so common and unfortunate with anything related to crypto these days. We are hoping that you might send us a quarter. We will be thankful for whatever you can send, but 25 cents will help us grow.

We are explaining our need to you hoping you see the utility in what we do so that you might support us with just a twenty-five cent donation. As we hope you can clearly see, we are not trying to cash in. (We could just issue a Crypto Currency and raise millions like everyone else, as proposed thousands of times by daily readers - but there would simply not be the utility to match our own proposed guidelines.)

We promise anything you can give us will be put to good use. Just a quarter once, or whenever you can will make a difference for us. We are providing donation addresses below, and will also be available via email or contact form for any additional help that you can throw our way!

ETH: 0xD8c84eaC995150662CC052E6ac76Ec184fcF1122 (ETH/ERC)

BTC: 1DjkwoM4vSz3LxA81iJKGPrusYdMBHiYfE

LTC: LX328y6MwjEtJnUyQT4RjpxDk2r1AX3sDb

With your support, we'll continue to serve the Crypto community! We hope you continue to read CryptoCriterion whether you contribute or not.

Thank You Very Much,

Gary & Jon


Jon@CryptoCriterion.com // Gary@CryptoCriterion.com

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.cryptocriterion.com/we-need-your-help/