Investment Strategies: Platforms

in #crypto7 years ago

Investment Strategies: Platforms

All crypto are not created equal. Obviously. But a group of cryptocurrency that are apt to survive long term are platforms. No mere coin, these are entire ecosystems of their own, programmable, able to spawn child tokens. ACTUAL TECHNOLOGY instead of shit ICOs.

A radical concept, I know. Cryptocurrency with utility. So, I'm not going to delve into the specifics of this list. It's merely a jumping off point for you to do your own research. But, mark my words, many of these will still be ongoing concerns three years from now, after so many inferior competitors have disappeared.

There are some real quirks involved in platforms. NXT, for example, spawned a child token, IGNIS, that's now worth 16x as much. And NXT has morphed into Ardor. Sort of. That's a complicated one.

The bottom line, though, is that the tokens spawned by these platforms generally reenforce their parent. A rising tide carries all. Their ICOs tend to accept payment in the parent coin, so that alone keeps demand up. You've witnessed this for the past year with Ethereum, if you've been paying attention.

At any rate, if your strategy involves holding entire sectors of the market, this is a big one, but likely to pay off exponentially in coming years.

A special thanks to Alex Merced, one of my favorite rising celebritarians, for the list of platforms he's compiled. Check out him and Larry Sharp. They're down to earth libertarians who understand the incredible potential of cryptocurrency. And if you live in New York, they're basically your only hope for politics.

If you know of a platform that's not on the list, why not leave it in the comments for others?

The List

  • NXT
  • Ardor
  • Waves
  • Ethereum
  • Ethereum Classic
  • Expanse
  • Burstcoin
  • Counterpunch
  • RSK
  • Omni Protocol
  • Lisk
  • Bitshares
  • EOS
  • NEO
  • Stratis
  • Zen
  • Crypti
  • Openchain
  • NEM
  • SEQ
  • UQB
  • ARK
  • Counterparty
  • Factom
  • Shift
  • Soil

Thinking about it, Bitcoin itself can be considered a platform...