❄️❄️❄️✅ In addition to Telegram, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation has claims to WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messenger - they are also in no hurry to comply with Russian legislation. It turns out that loud blocking Telegram is an indicative action. But what happens if it does not work? 😉
Saturday's news:🌸🌸💦✅
(1)The second largest stock exchange in Germany, Börse Stuttgart, presented an application for trading crypto-currencies. Service Bison plan to launch in September and start with the trade of BTC, ETH, XRP and LTC
(2)Crypto-exchange Coinbase bought a startup Cipher Browser. They created a product that competes with the new service of the exchange - the decentralized mobile browser Toshi. No more, now everyone is doing Toshi
(3) The Mayor of Lafayette (Louisiana, USA) offered to hold an ICO to fill the budget. Alternative sources of money for the city: increased taxes
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