
Their warrants are not warrants at all and violate our 4th Amendment. This is clearly defined by KrisAnne Hall's Dec.1st show, which I did an article on and can be found in my timeline.

The simple answer is not to use exchanges or wallets based in the USA. This is a good question for Steemit. Should we take our data to servers outside of the USA?

Steem data is held on all full nodes all around the world. is one website that accesses this data which is based in the USA.

Good idea, I am newer to a lot of this stuff but I have wondered similar things for awhile.

Its only usa residents names they want isn't it ?

The purpose of the IRS is to launder all their pedo money with the money of hard working Americans.

I'm Daniel Winters and I wrote the Coindesk article. @heiditravels, thanks for your post about this important tax issue.

Upvoted and follow you. I guess you will write interesting stuff here on steemit too ;-)

John Doe warrants are unconstitutional

  • [t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

I would look into what @marcstevens has been saying.

Thank you for the heads up, As a Coinbase investor myself.......rethinking where I keep my BTC!
Voted And Re-Steemed!!

Despite this, I believe that the USA is the one of the world's top countries that are bitcoin-friendly.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Thanks... maybe time to just move everything to a more anonymous platform.

Upvoted and resteemed!

А пупок не надорвёте, вы когда отмвывать будете не сотрите самое важное, а то раз пупок смыли и ЖОПА вдруг отвалилась.

Great video and great info. Resteemed, folllowed, and tweeted! Thanks

an awesome video must admit...

Thank you for the awesome Video.Most helpful..

Unfortunately I feel like it will become more restrictive here in the US as popularity of crypto-currency grows.

Hello Thank you!

Shared on Minds in the We Love Steemit Gruppe and on my page there @lichtblick

Hey Heidi could i have a super secret meeting with you sometime? I think i have an idea.... :D

My name is fuzzy on if you are on there. maybe you are interested. Let me know ok?