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RE: NOIA Network - Decentralized Alternative to Content Delivery

in #crypto6 years ago

@cmplxty...... I am very impressed with your write up and I must say you have actually done a very great job to come up with this lovely and comprehensive write up about NOIA Network.

In the days where countries like the United States are talking about laws such as "Net Neutrality" where they will set rules on how content is delivered across the internet, we can take our own private sector approach to it. We can approach this from a business perspective and try to accomplish the goal of delivering content to users faster but in a decentralized manner. The more solutions we can come up with that are out of governments hands the better, particularly when you can earn some good crypto while your computer does the work for you.

I really got attracted to the Net Neutrality you wrote about because if this is taken into consideration, does this means content writers will be more mindful or careful about whatever they want to publish on the internet? Isn't this going to hinder people from expressing their minds or thoughts via the internet?

I actually love the initiative of NOIA Network as they also enable people earn while using their computer to surf the internet. This is actually a great Initiative and I hope to join the testnet very soon if I have gotten my PC.

I also find it important in the environment we are in on the internet, where people are constantly trying to steal information, is to ensure that our information is safe and secure.

Lols... This is a bad act always happening on the internet as people earn by stealing people's content through plagiarism and other important or secret files are also stolen by people also. I just know what people gain in doing such a shameless act. It is even preferable you ask for permission before such.

Please connect with NOIA via their website or various social media platforms and check them out for yourself.

The fact is that NOIA is widely and popularly known with the help of great SEO writers like you and people are also testifying to the great benefits after joining their testnet.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla in courtesy of @crypto.piotr 💗🙌😁.


Thanks for your detailed response! When I refer to Net Neutrality, I am referring to the government allowing the large internet companies the ability to control at which speed you can access content. In my understanding this means that say for example Comcast has put Company A on a internet speed that is slower for people to access than the speed they give google because google pays them more money since they earn more money. In my perspective and understanding Company A would then contract with NOIA to speed up their content delivery with its decentralized mass of nodes linking together. This would then subvert the political scam that is the Net Neutrality law by allowing private sector companies to even the playing field for much less money.

Plagiarism is certainly a challenge that is difficult to overcome. Thankfully with the internet it’s easier to spot, especially with the block chain. Immutable blockchain solutions in academic centers will be a great benefit to curbing this unfair practice.
Thanks to @crypto.piotr for organizing this whole project as well as promoting communication and sharing these types of posts for us all to look at!