We live in an amazingly diverse and changing world whose foundation initially was once hinged on a preceeding barter exchange system void of monetary involvement. Buyers and sellers of goods and services engaged themselves in thriving and laudable transactions necessitated by the tugging need for the possession of one man's goods in exchange for a readily available alternative by the latter party.
Progressively and thoughtfully, these exchange roles grew into monetary gratification where buying and selling became accentuated into a payment system of receiving money for the exchange of goods.
In today's era, with the advent of vast technological advancement and smart contracts, we see a hub of end to end transactions between exchanging parties, where conventional roles of buying and selling have sky rocketed into the next phase of digitalization with respect to the transactional monetary markets.
Streamity is an organization saddled with an adorable and phenomenal outlook of not only advancing the cause of P2P exchange mechanism, but also posing as a viable catalyst for securing to a fault these transactions to a top level of security void of dominance and exploitation of middle men and intermediaries. This is done in lieu of protecting prospective buyers and sellers of digitalized money and financial value with respect to cryptocurrency awakening.
Cryptocurrency, a fast growing digitalized form of money, like a bird with a free song of bliss has taken flight into the stratus remaining a great measure and value of worth in exchange for other currencies. It is certain that the future of money thrives on the domineering existence of cryptocurrency.
This is why Streamity has emerged with an ending note to the exploitation of exorbitant charges and plausible middlemen drama plauging the digital market, thereby securing transactions.
Streamity is here to put it's customers and subscribers of financial value on a pedestal of safety and transparency which is utter mostly secure, fascinating and mind-blowing in its futuristic prospects towards giving a new outlook to online transacting through the safest of agents and paying channels.
You can learn more by visiting the following channels:
Streamity Website
Streamity Whitepaper
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