As I understand it Investors should put fiat money into a system which may eat it up but stay calm to this fact. I think this kind of investor needs some play money which doesn't hurt him to lose. So I would have to be an investor, too even though my single investment would not make a difference when at the same time other single investments don't take place, right? So big investors seem to be needed.
I have to say that the technical skills and knowledge plays a role here as well. Let's say I have a hundred bucks to burn - I would probably fall for laziness or some irrational feelings to actually make that transfer - as my interest is writing not finances. Fearing that I do something wrong or how this strange transfer appears on my bank account. Also, cashing out I would hesitate as then I must deal with the officials and put it into my income tax return. So, everything financial remains untouched.
My own financial behavior so far was dependent on my advisor. As long as he was interested in this particular market and gave me financial support I was more active as a financial actor. Now that he lost interest (in real life he got a new job which sucks up his capacity) I became inactive myself on this particular issue.
So I think to behave in this system with confidence it needs MUCH longer to learn, to trust and to develop a natural habit. Just like with the old system.
I guess many people are like me, still in kindergarten and observe, learn and take little steps before they mature into a system which is that brand new.
My hope is that this blockchain will survive into the next decades and become kind of ordinary. So the dance between losing and winning is not that huge but a little more safe. This is actually not for greedy speculators.