Digitex and its impact on the futures exchange market
The market for financial markets in the future has become popular, thanks to the constant growth of digital finance. A market that expands more and more with time.
Users with investment intentions in these assets use the so-called futures exchanges, which allow the user to formalize and establish a contract in which the conditions for the purchase and sale of a certain asset are established. As a general rule, a commission or additional fee is established that the buyer has to pay.
Digitex arrives with the objective of revolutionizing this market, offering services for users with the particularity that it does not have fees or commissions for buyers and investors.
This new strategy will impact the financial markets market in the future, transforming and evolving the contracts that will be established from now on.
Interested users and investors, when discovering the great benefits they offer, Digitex is attracted, generating a great influence in said market
Why are fees and commissions problematic for users?
Both commissions and fees constitute a loss to the user, these are a liability to the investor's capital. They tend to be problematic and they subtract profit numbers from buyers, making the offers less attractive.
How does the creation of a no-load futures exchange allow users to obtain more of their operations?
When formalizing a contract in another financial machine, charges, fees or commissions are charged, these are attached to the contract and it is something that the buyer can not avoid.
With rates and tariffs do not exist, this allows users to pay less for the same asset to acquire. In this way profits are maximized, allowing the user to obtain greater benefits thanks to Digitex
With such a solid base and rapid growth, where do you see Digitex in 2019, 2020 and 2021?
Digitex has such a solid and self-sustaining base that allows it to project itself well into the future. Digitex has such attractive features that ensure a sum of insured investors, increases its liquidity at the same time
Undoubtedly, Digitex became a great opportunity for investors who want to enter this market, Digitex will have a liquidity and consolidated value for 2019 and continue to improve.
How are the commercial rates that kill the merchant's profits?
In general, the income of the son is very high, with the highest prices
What is the impact of granting users the power and control over how Digitex Futures Exchange is financed?
This generates a positive impact since users perceive more financial freedom, higher profits, etc. Users trusting Digitex get their rewards from it.
This impact generates an attraction of investors for Digitex, increases its influence and strength in the market
Use cases
An economist specialized in the digital market wants to invest, decides to investigate which financial futures exchanges offer the best profits, evaluate their project behind the asset and the conditions of the contract.
This economist chooses to invest in Digitex, being this the best option for his profit projection
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I agree with the author, @elpsykongroo!