Bitcoin has no intrinsic value? Really, I launched 3 companies this year with BTC.

in #crypto7 years ago

The USD is debt based fiat meant to enslave.

Look at these slime at TD America. A month ago they would not let people withdraw money to buy BTC.

Now they are letting clients invest in BTC futures.

One of the riskiest of all financial instruments for clients that have no clue what they are or how they work.



i dont like BTC futures.But it was inevitably

Agreed and am happy they are here long term could lead to ETF and soaring prices. I don't like retail banks like TD America opening futures to people who are clueless.

Bitcoin best


In times where poloniex and hitbtc disabled the withdraw of Steem / SBD and sites like bittrex disabled the account registration this is even more important than it was in the past :)

do you think its a bright future currency

for A time