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RE: 14-Days of @HAEJIN - 20/20 Hindsight (BTC Results from 1st-14th Jan 2018)

in #crypto7 years ago

That's very interesting, I did the same some time ago with a sample of 20 random predictions and another round with 11 predictions and the result was that he hit a surprising number of them.

Maybe I did something wrong or you did or maybe we got it both wrong or both right. I'd say it's the latter with:

  • you basing you analysis on the January numbers, I did it on last years numbers (before the latest big crash)
  • you only looking at BTC while I looked at all the others
  • you counting from -1 to 1 and me counting from 0 to 3 (-> I'm more generous and with your counting system I might have gotten closer to a zero)

Bottom line: If you look at his last year predictions and look at (end of) last years numbers, you might get to a more positive verdict about @haejin.


"If you look at his last year predictions"

In an incredible Bull Market where ETH went for $7 to $1400, LTC went from $3.66 to $420 etc..and crypto frenzy overtook the populous it was pretty easy to pick a winner.. Objective is success in "Bull Vs Bear" market overtime. What I find to be particularly egregious is the fact that he was giving massive ALT Coin predictions during the BTC correction.. Granted in time when the Bulls take charge again he may be correct and undoubtedly he will "Flaunt his wisdom for all to behold" but he was giving buy signals for coins that summarily dropped by half or more; Redcoin, Mana, etc. He was calling bottom and saying buy to his legion of morons only to have them get thrown into the wood chipper which is not only wrong but highly irresponsible as so many of his followers just jump on the lemming train.

As BTC is the measure by which value is measured in the crypto world it leads the show and determines Crypto market cap all by itself for the most part; accordingly I find the above analysis to be a fair representation of skill set. I mean a blind, half autistic, chimpanzee, with a flesh eating brain disease knows that when BTC dives everything else is going to as well; so giving "orgasmic lunge" predictions on Alt coins when he is unable to accurately predict the path of the BTC (which effects everything) is somewhat moronic.

Then again I have seen other TA's with a decent following pump the price of a small cap alt just by providing a prediction Brian Kelly would be one, he's good as well.. but as soon as he gives a prediction you can watch the bump on bittex for the coin. Assume haejin buys in, gives a prediction, price pumps while he is dumping.. Seems like a solid strategy and not all the philanthropic as he preaches his "I wish you massive profits" tag line professes him to be. Again just a theory, but a plausible one that would make sense as to why he was giving buy signals for ALTS that summarily got crushed during this corrective period of BTC price.. Run your same analysis on me and my calls for BTC, if you please.. I take a much different approach..

I'd love to know if there is any market action whatsoever following his posts and videos... my guess is that there wouldn't be at all... but I guess there is no real way to tell.... unless it was a coin with a tiny volume.

There is directly following them.. I noticed the same thing with Brian Kelly (black dude on youtube).. directly following or during his "live stream" as soon as he would say "abc coin" price would bump, I saw it with Golem, Bitcoin Dark, Nubits, and a few others as soon as he called them.. So there is financial incentive to be a TA, get a big following then get the Lemmings to jump on board after you so you can sell into their idiocy. Then you can use the fact that they pumped the price on your recommendation as evidence you were right that price would go up..

That completely makes sense..... but surely any lemmings following Haejin would be broke by now?

Nah, some get out in time.. or blame themselves and keep following.. and new blood keeps coming in, plus the hype outweighs the detractors.. so even those that do lose will not have the voice to warn others and will be attacked by his minions..

Of course, he'd get more positive results because the market was just heading up every day anyway. A true TA can make money going up and going down.
This one can only make money going up. (sometimes)