@arkroom - excellent piece and comments
just some thoughts from a wayward child
choon only unlocked notes - no agenda beyond this at this time (sad - potential proof of concept missed here)
main problem with 99%+ crypto platforms - not tied in with a fiat generator and will fail
(not selling this but) - eg solarex have built a blockchain based solar energy finance platform which fills a huge funding gap for commercial and industrial solar energy projects in Africa- they rent out solar panels and earn revenue hence the Sun EX token generates 'real value' to investors - just one example of a few similar ICOs out there
the crypto industry is going through a rebalancing / reality check at this time
re choon / NOTES - need a revenue stream eg bit-sized ads after every 10 plays (sad but ads generate c90% revenue for most platforms) or develop an app that businesses could use to stream in-premises track playlists for a quid a week say (music industry is losing nearly $3bn per year allegedly) or licensing options or a subscription service or ...
agree with @nickyhavey re: "none of these crypto sites are made to be easy to get money out" - onus should be on choon to trade and provide a value to artist for "cashing out / value transfer" direct to paypal or bank account of choice (again potential proof of concept missed here)
the concept of music blockchain platforms is still, well, new - they have yet to find position in the music business spectrum but sure the excellent choon platform will get there
for now as an independent music maker - focus on music creation / promotion and playing live (no matter how small your gig) - these all add up to ...
... the futures as bright as you make it ...
N.B. artists and fans can still support music eg
You are absolutely right about that. That's why I don't get why people suddenly feel Choon has to pay them, make trading easy or possible, or why people desperately try to measure a value on NOTES. Choon has plans in place to create liquidity, but they are not developed yet, but that was known from the first roadmap already.
Without liquidity or use, NOTES have no value. That's why I say, NOTES don't have any monetary value at all right now. Even if traded at $1 or $0.000001 it's all speculation. All the NOTES circulating now, are mined via streaming for mining. Choon didn't make any money from that. Complaining should be justified if users would pay for subscriptions now, Choon would get a lot of ad revenue, and we only got scraps through a dubious crypto exchange. But right now, we don't have anything to justify complaints about the token value, or not getting paid and stuff like that.
I honestly believe in the team and what they try to achieve, and this unlock didn't change any of that. Actualy, it didn't change anything, except NOTES are free to move now, and you can trade on speculation if you wish. But That's not something Choon has to support or explain, as they are building a music platform, not a cryptocoin.
ads ftw ... (who would have thought heh ...) so basicallyl since its an SMT in ethereum i need to pay fiat for ETH in order to shovel my notes around who are worth zit ?
a bit like that minds thing lol ...
guess its all hoard until its worth something and then first come first serve on the first exchange to sell it, dumping the price to dante's frozen waste-level
what's new :D

clean and easy platform, thought (alleycat)
You can sell 10000 (tenthousand) NOTES for 6$ at this moment (1 NOTE=0,006 UScent)(Not quite the 5Cent they attracted us with). But only Buy offer for 250k NOTES. (for that price... next price is half of it) Since they were 81 Million NOTES already "earned" by artists only very few artists are able to sell their NOTES, even if they know how to do it.
There is literally no interest to buy NOTES atm. When I read that Choon focus on their music platform work and dont want to hassle with crypto, I wonder why they claim to pay musicians in the first place and call themself "digital payment ecosystem"...
Their biggerst mistake was not to use Musicoin as their payment ecosystem instead of dissing them.
I got to agree with you there. isn't the idea how to help musicians get paid for their content instead of being ripped off the old fashioned way, or even by streaming sites such as Spotify? Those compaies are now the "get rich' companies and we musicians are still being massively underpaid. it's all very well saying "be creative' and concentrate on making music....how can one be so creative without the money to buy software, instruments, marketing management etc etc??