I saw there was still a bitcoin puzzle going on I figured I would take a crack at it. Here is the research I have done so far
There is one old still unsolved crypto puzzle which hides private key to the bitcoin address which holds 5 BTC that is over 45000$. That riddle was posted on the twitter over 2 years ago - ~~~ embed:583979278238359552 and no one was able to solve it, maybe you can? Here are some links which you might need twitter metadata:Y29pbl9hcnRpc3R8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vY29pbl9hcnRpc3Qvc3RhdHVzLzU4Mzk3OTI3ODIzODM1OTU1MiBhbmQgbm8gb25lIHdhcyBhYmxlIHRvIHNvbHZlIGl0LCBtYXliZSB5b3UgY2FufA== ~~~
Picture in high resolution https://imgur.com/OSpEZtA
Discussion on reddit -
Discussion on bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=766000.0
Check puzzle address - https://blockchain.info/address/1FLAMEN6rq2BqMnkUmsJBqCGWdwgVKcegd
Good luck guys!
Hint: 4.87 btc has to do with the horizontal size. Try to create a QR code.
The 1FLAMEN6 Puzzle Prize of 5 $BTC is now valued over $64000 USD. #bitcoin
if I had a World of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1follow me-=[ http://bit.ly/1l7k4ZN ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]-=[If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1follow me]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[x]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=-=[ ]=- =[x]=-=[ ]=-=[-]=-=[3]=-=[4]=-=[7]=-=[
Isn’t that an alice in wonderland reference? Yep it’s from Alice in Wonderland in 1951
Kinda looks like the Genesis block
So Legend of Satshoi is the name of the puzzle? Like a wonderland? Chess game? Oh and WR or White Rabbit. Just like the new cicada 3301 stuff
Quote from: ytcoinartist on September 02, 2014, 06:59:07 PM
I received this tweet this morning - it appears to be related to this post.
Just a little bit of research:
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1follow me
is a quote from the alice in wonderland (1951) movie
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?
source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043274/quotes
Again after "isn't. And contrary" in code directly below each other:
wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1follow me
-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?
Apparently it goes under your skin (at least for some)
Take a W@@@lk with me and 1follow me stand out besides the differences in punctuation...
1follow me might hint towards a bitcoin address, searched it, ended up on twitter aaand Im out
Enjoy the rabbit hole
Our friend TR3N47Y--who we can assume is the MP of our puzzle since he was the one who invited us all down the rabbithole--has 3 friends on Twitter that I assume are his aliases or collaborators: @PO347, @N3v4Le7, and @Xavi3rM4x7. He sure does like the number sequence 3, 4, 7 Smiley
In brackets at the end of the puzzle clue are, yes, 3, 4, 7. The x's in the brackets (after the link to the genesis block) occur at 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 16, 30, 37, 43, 48, 51, 55, 59, 65. 67 contains a dash. Then the "3", "4", "7". (not sure if i've numbered the brackets correctly because I don't know if the [altered] Lewis Carroll quote should be included in the count). And someone please doublecheck my counting of the brackets, please.
Are we looking for a bitcoin (or altcoin) address? The bounty? I like Shorena's idea that "1follow" may be a clue to an address. [And, Shorena, please don't bow out!!]
Could the extra characters in the Twitter aliase names lead to anything (subtracting the 347)? PO NvLe XavirMx (not necessarily in that order)
More on those Twitter aliases: @PO347's earliest tweet was "Negative Ghost Rider the pattern is full... #347." Which was retweeted and favorited by @N3v4Le7 (whose Twitter name btw is n3v4 gon le7 u down--uh oh, is this just a rickroll?).
If this puzzle leads anywhere, here's more Twitter info FWIW:
Today, @TR3N47Y retweeted @PO347 "Away we soar, away we fly. Bringing freedom, before we die. #347"
@PO347 has this quote in his Twitter profile header: "in the silence of your bones and eyes forgotten magic sits and waits for fire" (from Robert Montgomery)
@Xavi3rM4x7 has in his Twitter description a quote from Percy Bysshe Shelley's "The Masque of Anarchy": "Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you Ye are many - they are few."
Well, if that's all I do on this puzzle, at least I had the chance to revisit a great Shelley poem..
Bitly Link that redirects to blockexplorer
*Phrase: *if I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1followme
I googled "Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is,", without the quotes, and got a couple of both:
"contrary wise, what is, it" example
"contrary-wise; what it is it" example
OP can be based on the "unofficial" version, being the difference:
"it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. "
" 1follow me"
If the ideia is to draw a blockchain:
GEN = Genesis Block
numbers = block height
MSG = message
- chain seems broken right before the msg, so I "forked" and restarted count
Also that strange block with "-" and the 347, can be a signature, or some kind of sequence of x's positions.
If so, you could even complete the blockchain, at least until you find the message, where the chain breaks, getting something like:
-=[MSG]=-=[]=-=[2]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[5]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[9]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[13]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[]=-=[19]=-=[]=-=[-]=-=[3]=-=[4]=-=[7]=-=[9]=-=[12]=-=[16]=-=[30]=-=[37]=-=[43]=- ...
Or not...
Genesis Block Message and how to decode it.
This message seems to be a URL to a website article on the 2009 bailouts.
~~~ embed:btc/comments/6wveq7/the_times_03jan2009_chancellor_on_brink_of_second/ reddit metadata:fGJ0Y3xodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvYnRjL2NvbW1lbnRzLzZ3dmVxNy90aGVfdGltZXNfMDNqYW4yMDA5X2NoYW5jZWxsb3Jfb25fYnJpbmtfb2Zfc2Vjb25kL3w= ~~~
I followed the white rabbit (1WTR4BtM61k4NB52Zvdf79k4B7jiiepFC) through the blockchain and here's where it led
From 1FoLLow...
https://blockchain.info/tx/3a30ea334087825035d870f234d9704643b0add5034b68a68168c6ad74fa25c2 -->
then click any recipient on the big list, doesn't matter which one, I picked one at random -->https://blockchain.info/address/1WTR4BtM61k4NB52Zvdf79k4B7jiiepFC
scroll down to the mirror transaction, click the sending address -->https://blockchain.info/address/13vs7FtkeaT4Qd3SWz2ZVJqVot1znzMRtv
Aha, interesting binary transaction amounts. We know from the last ARG puzzle that the OP communicated to us in binary through the bitcoin amounts (for example, 0.00010001) (which was totally cool!) -->https://blockchain.info/address/1LsGQV6DvhR1RuK9KX7GkLiGcQ7CEXrZN8
Aha 1 fat bitcoin! And another binary clue? The last puzzle began by leading to an address with, I believe, 1 bitcoin (or was it more?).https://blockchain.info/address/1TLSNYAx5P6Yjie3cF97fZh9U4B5UZ7PF
Is this address the starting bitcoin bounty?
If the amounts are clues, I have no idea how to convert them.... That's out of my league.
More: look more closely at the 1FoLLow page with the "Follow the white rabbit" clues embedded in the inputs. The full message reads:
Follow the white rabbit
Beware the false satoshi
Lost in the white noise
[ https://blockchain.info/address/1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM ]
168TCxCbhQp3u4ufE2TKeCuawiYmcYDThy -- sends 0.00004 to 1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM
1HRQsC4M59sx5VdkheVeCgSLkbfcYjBehe -- sends 0.00014 to 1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM
12eECVqNbcsULkKGuPcgQEdsfaNkvN1Nkb -- sends 0.00029 to 1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM
1GKM8cqpWGrWMKUsZhw87LvjUB6Y52Qmuf -- sends 0.00011 to 1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM
1JTSmmt6DiNhuKHCkqUYPau1VTFevEu3sC -- sends 0.00011 to 1FoLLow3pd7y5Wvk2dWYqpH6YdaHTLcYmM
Thank you game master for the high res picture !!!
This new tweet give us many information about the puzzle. We now have the answer to the following questions (as I see it).
Wow the legend sathosi, well i never knew him,.
good post..
GD post dear @defango & YOU always give gd post & i wating for your post. tnx you.
Nice post @ defango Thanks for sharing this. :)
Thanks for posting :) !