CIBUS — Food Ecosystem on the blockchain

in #crypto7 years ago

To start out with, and for us to fully understand the building blocks on which this project is centred around, lets quickly take a look at what a Blockchain is, how it works, and why it is the future.

Blockchain is an algorithm and distributed data structure for managing electronic cash without a central administrator among people who know nothing about one another. Originally designed for the crypto-currency Bitcoin, the blockchain architecture was driven by a radical rejection of at (government-guaranteed) money and bank-controlled payments.

Why the blockchain?
Traceability and lucidity are some of the most vital basics of logistics. Blockchain optimizes business transactions and trading associations with strong and secure business networks on Blockchain — in accordance to scalability and globally.
Blockchain provides a shared ledger that is rationalized and validated in real time with each network contestant. It empowers equal visibility of activities and it can expose any asset at any point in time, regardless who owns it and
its latest condition. It is safe, secured, and cannot be tampered by any means so it promotes best transparency.
Transparency is the most challenging aspect of customers that has been increased in recent years. The transparency has the power to evaluate the performance of a supply chain and thereby boost the self-confidence of
related players as well as to improve the customer’s trust. The strengths in the transparency of the blockchain are in the honesty as each transaction is unique and none of them can be changed or manipulated afterwards. The
sovereign trustworthiness cannot be imposed and exercised by a centralized system, since it is not possible for an outsider to evaluate the trustworthiness of the revealed information. Therefore, it is advantageous to use a
blockchain technology over a centralized system in terms of trustworthiness.
Now that you have a brief understanding of blockchain technology and why the Cibus team choose to base their platform around it, lets look into Cibus and the daily issues that Cibus team are aiming to resolve. Everybody has to eat, but not everybody knows where the food on their plate comes from, do you?

Taken from their own words,
Food quality maintenance is a worldwide problem because supply chain management is still unorganised in the major part of the word. Non-transparency, irregular supply, use of unwanted products like pesticides, chemical fertilisers, etc is hampering food quality. As a result maintaining food quality and authentication of food ingredients especially in developing countries has become a mass discrepancy. CIBUS is a virtual platform where the facility of food tractability will be introduced based on blockchain technology, which will support in implementing food tractability.
In this process consumers and suppliers can access and validate the source of the food available on different outlets. Under this process authenticity of food, their ingredients, and the status of the company dealing with the good will be verified from manufacturing to its end users

What key problems does Cibus aim to solve?
You may wonder why this project is needed at all? Well the Cibus team has identified eight keys areas that currently have problems in the food ecosystem. Using their platform, they aim to combat these, providing a revolution in the food ecosystem worthy of the 21st century by integrating it with the Blockchain. The main areas of problems are as follows;

Currently, there is a trust deficit due to the amount of frequent product recalls, scare of food poisoning due to pathogenic microbial, pesticides and chemical contamination. This has been in the news more and more often recently; M&S, Aldi and Lidl suspend buying from chicken plant that fiddles kill dates — Step in Cibus, they aim to allow consumers to track their food every step of the way, from produce to their table.

No authentic origin and quality info flow through the system leaving increases room for counterfeit products, misleading labels and false claims. Much like with the lack of trust, this has also been in the news recently. See;
Horsemeat scandal: where did the 29% horse in your Tesco burger come from? Do you really know what is in the food you eat? Do you want to take a bite of that burger not knowing if it is 100% beef?

Lack of consistency of origin and quality related data leaves wide scope for product adulteration and falsifying records. This is another perfect example of the link provided above; M&S, Aldi and Lidl suspend buying from chicken plant that fiddles kill dates these are very real concerns that are actively happening on a day-to-day basis.

Rising food prices with middle men taking higher cuts, and broken systems creating inefficiencies. Cibus will cut out the middle men entirely, allowing the producers and consumers to benefit more.

Lack of engagement between producers and consumers due to layers of middlemen filters and construes messages — Cutting out the middlemen, allows engagement to flow directly between parties, allowing for more efficient, quicker communication channels.

Clear lack of voice of consumers (VOC — Voice of the customer (VOC) is a term used in business and Information Technology to describe the in-depth process of capturing customer’s expectations, preferences and aversions), grievance redressal and feedback loop drives poor purchase decisions. Cibus, will bring the power back to the people, giving them back their voice.

Broken supply chains make it impossible for interoperability and scalability of traceable data sharing between participants — Tesco delayed payments to suppliers to boost profits, watchdog finds Cibus will aim to provide security and benefits for all parties involved in the ecosystem.

Inconsistent regulatory watch and inefficient quality systems implementation creates friction confusion and increase waste — Revealed, the full scale of supermarket waste this not only goes for wood waste, but in a increasingly more green aware planet, plastic and rescycle waste also — Supermarkets under pressure to reveal amount of plastic they create

The solutions
Having identified the above areas that are failing in the current ecosystem, the Cibus team has come up with the following solutions to help combat this

The CIBUS network is a blockchain-based ecosystem focusing on food and health supplements ensuring the origin,quality and compliance to transparency. The genesis of CIBUS platform is to bring food and dietary supplements manufacturers, producers, sellers or traders under one functional, interactive, and mutually profitable platform based on blockchain technology enabling a transparency via trustworthy data sitting on distributed ledger that can be freely accessed by all interested parties; so that both the business owners and consumers can enjoy best
possible transparency, authenticity, and reliability about the food products they are interested in.
Production and distribution records maintained in CIBUS blockchain cannot be falsified. Consumer/Buyers and food producers and regulators could use it to quickly trace food products back to their source, allowing quick
removal in case of recall or fraud detection providing high degree of transparency.
CIBUS Token enables trust less transaction within the platform between all participants. It is the underlying
currency for all transactions, mode of payment for transaction fees, escrow services, and advertising and will provide commercial analytics and transnational intelligence. All transacting parties will be required to buy and pay using CIBUS tokens.

With all the information on your food and supplements stored on the blockchain (See above for explanation on what the blockchain is, and why this data can’t be changed), there will be total transparency allowing you to track your purchases through every stage of their journey. No more wondering if it is beef or horse on your plate.

Using smart contracts built on their blockchain will see an entirely food focused platform, built up from the ground specifically for B2B trading, with no middleman.

Social media is the heart of our society in modern times — In 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017. Targeting this huge user base, Cibus aim to create a social platform focusing on supplement and food, with the integration of incentives.

Using their blockchain platform to house an e-commerce platform, they aim to facilitate the transactions between buyers and sellers, creating an ecosystem on which they can build and improve trust, transparency and quality of produce sold.

In modern times with the boom of the social media empire — 8 EXAMPLES OF HUGE AFFILIATE SUCCESS — followings are huge marketing opportunities for companies to market their products to large audiences they not have managed to secure without the inclusion of the program. With the Affiliate program, you can earn rewards based on the users who sign up under you with the referral program.

Cibus AD
With the boom of social media and advertising, Cibus AD will allow you to target specific audiences based on their food preferences, likes and dislikes and age ranges using a smart contract. This has proved to be incredibly lucrative for other platforms like social media. — The power of advertising

Escrow is a popular method of dealing with parties that have mutual distrust, or are starting a new partnership together for the first time. To help with this, Cibus will be creating a smart contract that deals entirely with financial escrow to oversee the trades between buyers and sellers, providing a innate level of trust.

Transporting the produce and products that will be sold on the blockchain e-commerce platform is another factor that Cibus have considered, to deal with this, they will be creating a Multi-Modal logistics program which is centred around a decentralised smart contract.

f you would like to read a more in-depth document on the solutions above, checkout the official technical document created by the team here
Token Sale breakdown
Now you know a little about the project, the issues that the current ecosystem is facing, and the solutions that Cibus aim to implement to combat these, you may be interested in purchasing some of the tokens and take part in this exciting venture yourself, well look no further, details on the token sale, how and where to take part, the dates and bonuses to early investors are below.
Like with most ventures, early adopters are the ones who place their faith in the project as it’s most vulnerable point, and as a result of their trust and faith will reap the best rewards and prices, and Cibus is no exception. The details of the token sale are as follows:
+50% Free Token Bonus
Till 28 Feb, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
+30% Free Token Bonus
28 Feb, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 7 Mar, 2018 10:59 AM (GMT)
+20% Free Token Bonus
7 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 14 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
+16% Free Token Bonus
14 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 21 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
12% Free Token Bonus
21 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 28 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
As you can see, the bonus for taking part in the opening weeks is as high as 50%, rewarding those who take part early.

The tokenomics of the projects are as follows:

The breakdown on the total supply of tokens and how much is reserved for each section of the project are as follows, following their goal to provide trust and transparency, publishing these figures helps provide an idea of the distribution of the supply for those who are interested in taking part in the token sale.

You may be wondering what the timeline setup for the project is, and when the pieces of the puzzle will come together, well look no further! The roadmap has been setout by the team at Cibus.

Meet the team!
With a selection of expects from all areas of the target market, Cibus has put together a team with a wealth of knowledge and expertise to work on their venture, you can see the team members and each of their positions within the project below. In a sector dominated with scams and lack of transparency ,as seen in the news on a near daily basis— Scammers are cashing in on Telegram’s upcoming ICO — Cibus again aims to lead from the front by posting links to all of it’s team members and photos of them, providing a high level of trust and transparency.

Final Words
With issues with food being nearly a daily occurrence in the news lately; The chicken run: blood, sweat and deceit at a UK poultry plant — It’s time that something changed the way in which our food is handled from farm to plate, if Cirbus manages to pull off everything that they have set out in their plans and road map, they will be the change to the industry that is urgently needed, gone should be the days of eating a beef burger and wonder is it ACTUALLY beef? With an expect team of industry professionals, a attainable road map and project we could see a revolution from the team in the near future.
For further information about the CIBUS Food Ecosystem project and their Token Sale, or if you’d like to read up more on the project, the technology it is based on, checkout the following official sources
Token Sale
White Paper
Official documents
For all official social media regarding the project, checkout the following links (for quick answers to questions, id advise joining the Telegram channel, one of the support representatives or admins usually reply within minutes)