I am a trader. I am not a speculator. I have more patience than my broker would like. For me, It always will be about margin of risk. I focus on the plan behind each trade.
I ask myself..am I two steps ahead of this market, or is this market one step ahead of me?
If I have to think about the answer for more than 10 seconds…. I am not ready to click the button.
I knew that If I kept at hard work, studying and sharpening my skill sets.. It would pay off in the long run.
I focus on avoiding losses, more than seeking profits. I focus on the probability of the least amount of risk, for the most amount of reward.
I am strict. I am discipline. I am mindful of my emotions. I ALWAYS follow the rules.
I NEVER try to predict the future. I always try to prepare for it.
I can’t KNOW what will happen next. I can only strategically place myself in the right position to capitalize on what I THINK might happen next.
I always respect market’s cycles.
The number one job of a trader is not to make alot of money. But to manage their risk.
I know there is no easy road. I don’t believe in the get rich quick thing. I have fallen in love with the process and the journey..not the money.
I always remind myself.. I am a trader, not a speculator.
Patience is a virtue!
Amen to that!!