Been Working On A New Cryptonix Cash (XCASH) Logo

Cryptonix (DEX) News Update!!
We have been working hard and cryptonix cash is now finished & we are now working on the Cryptonix Universal Wallets!
We Have Also Set Up Our Own Server Farm! Yes We Are Truly Decentralised!! No Centralised Amazon Servers!
Cryptonix Exchange has been delayed as banks suck! lol - Yes you guessed it the banks have made the transaction for paying for the exchange to be delayed several times and once again we must do more paper work before we can send our money and use it to set up the exchange. In light of this hassle we have made some shirts to honor the feeling banks produce in us here at cryptonix

Get Your Shirts Here

We Are So Glad To Announce The Launching Of Our Premium Tonic Store That We Are Offering You Lucky Few Customers An Opening Discount Of 15% Off The Entire Store!
Use Coupon Code "Sweet15" @ Checkout!