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RE: 14-Days of @HAEJIN - 20/20 Hindsight (BTC Results from 1st-14th Jan 2018)

in #crypto7 years ago

I see crypto as being even purer markets than the more established when thinking about the psychological aspects of price action, which in turn is what TA is mainly based on along with watching the money flow. More traditional stock and bond markets are less volatile in large part due to the much better informed broader participant base - that's where the very smartest are and they don't let things get too out of line for too long. Things are much more controlled, much better "managed" (some would say manipulated). Crypto is pure animal instincts of a largely uniformed trading group focused almost exclusively on price. Crypto is more speculative long term for sure, especially with the vast majority of crypto that won't even be here in 5 years, but from a short term trader's standpoint, I think it's the best thing since ice cream. And for the long term "investors", it's a wet dream come true . . . if you're holding members of the 1% that will be here in 5 years.