I am currently only in these 3 under 1 cent! Not much most of my portfolio is NEO and Stratis but still have some of these 3!
I am in contact directly with some people at RDD and they are really hard working I do agree with a lack of communication with the community but they plan for a pretty cool Q4! Steem is its own platform and RDD plans to monetize currently existing platforms such a twitter and instagram! I dont see them directly competing but to an extent yes
Ah ok, that makes sense - thanks for giving us here on Steem the inside scoop on Reddit ;)
NEO is hitting crazy new highs right now so I'd definitely wait til it corrects a bit before buying, but when it does I'd highly recommend it (obviously do your own research as well, i'm sure you wouldn't just take my word anyway ;) After Litecoin it's probably the Altcoin I have the most of. Well, did at least...I rarely sell my coins but couldn't help but sell just a little bit now to lock in some nice profits, plan on rebuying again if /when it dips.