7月17日に開催された中国威海(WeiHai)で開催されたIDACB World Blockchain Roadshowで、Cryptassistは中国のコミュニティー・マネージャー、Tanya Tonjiaによって代表されました。(中国東部,シャントン (山東) 省のシャントン半島北東隅にある港湾都市。)
Tanya Tonjiaは、ブロックチェーン技術の未来と、中国政府関係者、大規模な民間企業の所有者、技術とCryptassistプラットフォームの鋭い投資家の選択集会へ、ビジネスアプリケーションとしての実装方法について等、Cryptassistのビジョンを提示しました。
威海政府は建設中の工業団地のすべての関係者を対象に、ビジネス プラットフォームの一部としてブロックチェーンの統合を採用するためのツアーを行った。
その後、Tanya Tonjiaはディナーが行われた際、Cryptassistに興味のあるグループとプライベート ミーティングで直接話し合う事ができ、そこで「ブロックチェーン ツールボックス」として広く称賛されていたCryptassistプラットフォームを再び提示する事ができ、高い興味と関心を集めました。
Tanya Tonjiaが中国北京の次のBlockchain会議に移る前に、威海市の民間投資家との会議が数日後に開催される。北京では、CryptassistのCEO、Henri OostebringとCryptassist Public Relations ManagerのSamantha Haeberliが同行します。
Cryptassist - is
success! Cryptassist will solve the problem and make cryptocurrency
available to everyone in everyday life.(this is my personal text, thank you!)
Great Project!Nice team!
We are heading to the moon.
This is an amazing project I really like, great platform, great team you just super! I wish you a great future you good fellows!
good project
Cryptassist is a revolution! Cryptassist is the link between the cryptocurrency and its users.
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are the future of the world we live in.
And Cryptassist cryptocurrency will be available to all!!!
Project developers and best wishes! (personal text, thank you)
I love the ideas and coming features of Cryptassist!
china may be a large investor so this is a good addition if ever.
Cryptassist is a very promising project
I think there will be more investors from China than from other countries.
This is great project , good luck
i am really looking forward to the big news about the meeting with Weihai municipal investors.
I have no doubt that you managed to attract a lot of investors at this meeting!
For the Chinese community
Awesome Project!!
To represent its platform in China is a great prospect for the future. The world of the east is great and it will bring big dividends.
Join CryptAssist I start learning this project, I see the big potential
A good project I'm waiting for when it comes out to the big public.
A good project I'm
Waiting for when it comes out
To the big public.
- varis01
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I think representatives of investment companies and large private investors like the platform.
私はCryptassistが素晴らしいプロジェクトであり、信頼できるチームを持っていることを見ました。このプロジェクトに参加し、将来のプロジェクトで確実に成功する多くの投資家がスムーズに成功すれば、驚くことはありません。 このプロジェクトは人気が高まっています。興味のある人々を集めて、同情のある人々に会うことはいいです。 素晴らしいプロジェクト開発者。 私はこのプロジェクトの強力なユースケースを楽しみにしています。 確かに皆さんはこのプロジェクトを現実にもたらすためにすばらしく勤勉です。
Have fun in China! You are doing an amazing job guys!
I like that Cryptassist has so many functions, in this field it's better than hundreds of other projects. Especially interesting opportunity to use a large number of cryptocurrencies.
This is an interesting platform their projects are awesome creating more opportunity for the community and helping to develop their investors to the best medium link of business
Nice project!
I don't question that you figured out how to pull in numerous financial specialists at this gathering!
The all in one crypto platform solves the hassle of having to explore multiple websites. #CryptAssist is one of its kind!
Nice project!
おめでとうございます!あなたの投稿は今日のトップ10投稿https://steemit.com/japanese/@puncakbukit/-10-2018-7-24-、最もコメントが多い投稿グループ、ランク1に入っています.. :3
The great platform I sit tight for when it shows up the various open.
hope cryptassist will bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and peoples as their daily payment use
Cryptassist at the blockchain roadshow in China. this project is going to be a success
great that team is progressively giving the efforts and meeting just encourages me.
great that team is progressively giving the efforts and meeting just encourages me.
#CTA #Cryptassist
Great news. You are doing great work team. I very happy to be a part of the project.
Let's think about how this beautiful project will swing in the near future. It has the potential to compete much favorably among his colleagues. This is our choice!
素晴らしいニュース。暗号の世界では、プロジェクトのビジョンを説明し、ビジネスモデルを説明し、プロジェクトに関心を持たせることができることが非常に重要です。また、中国のIDACB World Blockchain RoadshowよりもCryptassistの方が優れています。そこには、ブロックチェーン技術の愛好家がたくさんいます。投資家、パートナー、その他の出席者から注目を集めています。おめでとう。
I consider agents speculation organizations and huge private speculators as the stage.
Join CryptAssist, I start to contemplate this undertaking, I see high potential
This project makes us think about the future, or to be more precise, about what is worth to invest in it! Soon it will boom in the crypto market because it has good platform. Join before it ends
It is the fascinating stage, their ventures - colossal formation of a biggest open door for network and the assistance to create them financial specialists to the best normal correspondence of business
the desire for cryptassist will dispense with a hole amongst cryptographic money and the general population as their day by day installment utilize
Really looking forward to this project, I hope the team will continue good job!
china may be a large investor so this is a good addition if ever,Cryptassist is a revolution!
#CryptAssist #CTA https://www.cryptassist.io
Across the board crypto to the stage illuminate a clash of need to research rehashed sites. CryptAssist - one of the look!
The fact that the Cryptassist platform was represented at the world conference in China is a great success for the team! China is a great, developed power! In the case of investors' interest, Cryptassis expects a great future!
Good luck to Team in promoting Cryptassist Platform !..
おめでとうございます!あなたの投稿は「先週の投稿のトレンド」 https://steemit.com/trend/@puncakbukit/-2018-30-、 平均コメント数のトレンド部に入っています .. 😙
おめでとうございます!あなたの投稿は「先月の投稿のトレンド」 https://steemit.com/trend/@puncakbukit/-2018-7-m-、 平均コメント数のトレンド部に入っています .. 🙂
This is a very interesting ICO. Great innovations being created. Don'T hesitate to invest. Earn more and feel the success. #CryptAssist #CTA https://www.cryptassist.io/