Unboxing Video - My Hardware Wallet Came in the Mail! // Let's Talk About Security

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit/Dtube!

If you been around crypto currency for any period of time, then you have probably heard people talk about the importance of people keeping your funds secure more times than you can even count. We all know that in the wild west of crypto currencies, there is no "Customer Service Line" you can call if your private keys get stolen or lost.

A hardware wallet is generally considered to be one of the best ways to ensure your crypto funds stay secure.

I had kind of been putting it off until it really hit me a few months back that I am HUSTLING so hard towards my goals... that it would be such a shame if everything was lost due to my lack of preparation.

There was a few month waitlist for my Nano Ledger S, but it finally came in the mail today! In this video I do as full unboxing so you can get a close up of what the ledger looks like. I also discuss how the technology works, and bust a few myths around hardware wallets.

If you are interested in learning more about hardware wallets - how they work, the technology behind them, some of the major brands and what to look for - I highly recommend you watch this Video Post by @raised2b. (aka my sweetie) He is an IT professional and long time crypto investor/enthusiast and so he is a great person to learn from.

If you have not yet purchased a hardware wallet or developed some kind of long-term strategy for holding funds - I hope this video has encouraged you to start thinking about it! You don't want to be that person that loses everything just because they didn't plan ahead. Hardware wallets are extremely affordable and is worth every penny to make sure you can sleep at night - knowing your funds are safe!

Quick tip... It is generally advised to order directly from the company site - https://www.ledgerwallet.com/. There have been some rumors of counterfeits being sold on Amazon.

I am not an expert on hardware wallets, but if you have any questions - shoot them below and I will do my best to help!

xo, Lea

▶️ DTube

Hey coruscate,

You know what brought me to your post and what grabbed my attention? It was your thumbnail image and it just reminded me of your previous post on how you edit your photos to grab the attention. It is really awesome.

Thanks for the unboxing. Do you have much bitcoins to store in a hardware wallet?

That is MUSIC to my ears!! You know I like to spend time crafting a good thumbnail image and so I’m glad to hear it is “working”. 😊

So far... only .3 bitcoins. My next goal is to reach one full bitcoin! I just hope I can make that happen before it shoots off to the moon again. I got so excited about some of my fave alt coins that I have neglected bitcoin until this point. 😉

That's good. I would love to hear this kind of music for myself too lol.Yeah, definitely it is working.
Hhaha, I have 0.15 bitcoins and same happened with me. I also got into many others. so let's see.
Best of luck for the one bitcoin goal. Yes you should get it soon otherwise I think once bitcoin crosses $17k mark again then it will not look behind that soon.

Congrats on taking control of you security!! I’m going to be placing my order this week!! It feels overwhelming for newbs such as myself, but as you said, with so much hard work being put in it would be a shame if something bad we to happen due to lack of preparation! Thanks for the reminder and great post!!

Awesome!! It is so worth it. I have to say, I feel a million times better now that I have everything setup securely.

That's where it's at! I just ordered one. Not exactly sure how it works, but I'll figure it out when it gets here. Then I'll have to figure out how to get some different coins from other exchanges. I'm excited for the next couple years in crypto, STEEM and Steemit! Gonna be fun!

Good purchase! I bought mine a few months ago directly from their website, at around 70 Euros at the time... Looking now, there is a pre-order for the Nano S Ledger (will ship early March) and the price has increased to 95 Euros. What this tells me is that crypto is slowly and surely becoming more mainstream... people are slowly starting to realise that now is a fantastic opportunity to get invested, and, more importantly, how to properly protect your investments.

Please, please, please people, do not leave your crypto on any of the exchanges, unless you are actively trading. Correct me if i'm wrong here but i believe only Coinbase currently insures against any losses?! Most of the other exchanges, if your account gets hacked, then you lose your coins, simply as that. Going back to the Nano S Ledger, it is a fantastic little device, the only slight downside in my opinion is the limited number of wallets you can store on the Nano itself at any given one time. Depending on the size of the coins app, i've found you can have around four or five wallet apps installed at any given time. However, that is not to say you can't use the Nano to store more than four or five different cryptos, you simply uninstall and re-install the wallet app for the coin you want to view/transfer/receive funds for, and off you go (if that doesn't make much sense then there are a few good guides online if you search for them). Thanks

Thanks for leaving such an in-depth comment!! My boyfriend has been walking me through using the Nano and explained th whole keeping more coins on there even if you can only have four applications thing. Definitely a little confusing at first!

I actually didn’t even know that Coinbase insures against lost. I guess I just assumed that if you are crazy enough to keep your money on an exchange (except for trading) then it’s kinda your gamble if the exchange goes down.

Either way, it feels GREAT to finally be up and running with my hardware wallet!!

I completely agree, there is no better feeling than getting your coins off the exchanges, and having control of your private keys! Will be following you from now, so look forward to future posts, all the best! :)

First! Upvoted!

That's a great Hard Wallet. I have a Trezor also and I actually prefer the Trezor, but what I like about the nano is that it can support way more coins than Trezor.

#onelove #dtube

Yeah that’s a fair point. It would be nice if the ledger supported more coins. I’m sure I’ll eventuakly get a second hardware wallet, so I maybe I look at the Trezor a little closer next time.

Ahhh I'm so jealous! I've been meaning to get me one of these, and I have heard great things about the Nano Ledger S. I have been putting it off as well. Once I get my portfolio a little closer to where I want it to be, I'm definitely picking one of these up. It would be pretty devastating to lose everything we have hustled for.

Get one! They're awesome :) check out the Trezor. A little more pricey, but I like the interface better. Much faster to access different coins. #onelove #dtube

For sure! I have heard of that one as well. I will definitely consider it when the time comes! Appreciate the advice!

In my opinion, this should be near the top of your list, leaving your crypto investments sitting on any of the exchanges for a long period of time is a bit risky (unless you are actively trading on the exchanges). Once set up, the Nano S Ledger is very easy to use, and gives such good peace of mind that all your coins are safely stored away.

Ah! To clarify, I don't let my investments sit on exchanges. I keep them in wallets off of the exchanges. Thanks for the concern though! If I was leaving my investments on exchanges, that would definitely be concerning. Even the most secure and reputable exchanges are targets and can be vulnerable to hacks. Some people never think that it will ever happen to them until it actually does.

I am looking forward to getting a ledger though. Once I get one, I might invest in and place it in a nifty little fire safe. Might be a little overkill.. but actually maybe not? What if that 21 word passphrase were to get burned up too in the case of a fire? haha :)

I've seen various tips on how to keep your nano s ledger safe, as well as the 24 word key phrase... Fire proof safe is an excellent idea! Also, consider storing the 24 word phrase in an encrypted file on a USB memory stick, then storing this in a different location (parents house for example). One other tip I came up with is to use a book to store your 24 key word phrase in, if you have a lot of books on your bookshelf this can be a nice place to hide it... (please note these are just my ideas and I'm not suggesting that this is what you must do, simply what I have thought about / read about over time).

It’s so worth it!! I feel so much better now knowing all of my funds are secure.

I've been thinking about getting one and now I'm sure I will. Thanks for the bus. What's up with the 405 on the jacket tho? I'm a displaced Okie and just wondered if you were from my home state of Native America.

I’m glad you found the post helpful! I bought this jacket on a trip to Palm Springs a few years back... so I’m not totally sure what the 405 means. I’m guessing it’s not Oklahoma though! I lived in Tulsa briefly when I was a baby, but that’s about my only experience with the state! 😉

I prefer the trezor just got mine 2 weeks ago and got everything off the exchange

Such a good feeling getting your coins off the exchanges isn't it!? :)

That’s awesome!! I know how good it feels to finally make sure all of your funds are secure... so good for you to make that happen. I’ve heard great things about the Trezor too.

Ya since i got them secured doubled up my invest ment and very happy to be sitting on it for a few years

Thinking about security is the first thing people should care about when starting in the crypto world.

Kudos to you to do you due diligence and secure your crypto assets.

There's too much videos talking about 'getting rich' with crypto and too few talking about the security part/scam part of it.


I've been using USB drives since their inception and I've got a bowl full of dead ones. How is a nano or trezor better than a paper wallet stored in a safe, bolted to the floor?

Great question. Having the 24 word passcode alllows you to recover your private keys - even if you lose your ledger or Trezor. Keeping a paper copy in a fire proof safe is pretty darn secure too... but if something ever happened to the safe, you’d be in trouble.

Backup copies of paper wallets stored in another secure location gives some redundancy. I'd need to act fast to retrieve the backups and empty them before the stolen ones were used.

The other things that appeal to me with paper wallets are the cost, near zero, and that I've dreamed, since I was a kid, of printing my own money.

This video surly will help me at the long run as am still new to cryptocyrrency

I’m glad you found it helpful!! Making sure your funds are secure is one of the most important things you can do.

No se acerca de esto.

nice, posting and beauty in style...

Bertahta di benakku dan aku kan mengiringi.

I'm guessing you chose Ledger over Trezor due to the additional coin support. Both support doge and 1 doge = 1 doge - best store of value!

Do you feel the ledger was worth the cost? Fire proof safe with seed keys, or safety deposit boxes, still seems like the best method for long term hodl.

I am not an expert on hardware wallets, but if you have any questions - shoot them below and I will do my best to help!

xo, Lea

Why would you just copy and paste my closing line? This is considered spam and plagiarism and is not condoned on my posts.