The truth is that cryptocurrencies are a complete unknown. Those people brought up on traditional asset structures, including myself, simply do not know how to mentally classify them. I understand Bitcoin, and its design as a medium of exchange was perfect. Satoshi Nakamoto's conception was brilliant. The fact that it turned into an asset class completely threw me. The fact is that there is a generation of the internet age that simply accepts algorithmic structures as having an intangible existence.
True, I have a strong preference for cryptocurrencies that have a use case, and tend to seek projects that are more akin to enterprises in purpose, rather than just being a Bitcoin clone. That, however, does not negate the value of the market as a whole. As for bubbles, I have been through many financial crashes over the years. Sometimes in stocks, sometimes in property. I have seen billions of dollars in value disappear overnight. Companies collapse with regularity, whole countries often go bankrupt. It hurts me to see the Dollar balance of my Steemit account evaporate slowly, but that is the way of the market. No gain without pain.