A speculative move or trying to stabilize the market ? Nobody knows.
Maybe the Big Boys in the Banks didn't enjoy too much about freedom in Crypto World.
Then whispered to make something for managers.
Regardless of everything We should see the rise upon stars .
Come on Big Boys ! Bitcoin is waiting for you !
This is without a doubt great for bitcoin and cryptocurrency, because many of the ads on google were phising ads and other scams. But unfortunately many people just read the headlines, so people with limited knowledge on the subject might just think, google bans crypto, then crypto must be bad. In reality, this is better for bitcoin and altcoins
Indeed ! There were lots of fishy sites who easily get the beginners into the dark side of the Web. I had seen kind of fake sites such as """Blockkchain.info , bloochain.info , bloccchainn.info" etc etc .
And they were all using Google Adwords !