Use your common sense. Fear always sells more than any other device a marketer can use. Please don’t fall victim to it.
My dad got involved in crypto around 2 years after I started doing well, and even though I had explained market cycles to him, I can’t be there 100% of the time to hold his hand, and of course when FUD starts to hit the media he was straight on the phone to me. It’s natural to be concerned when the market crashes, but you have to understand WHY it is crashing and at what point in the market cycle we are in.
We have to work through all the FUD and reach a point of maximum despair & hopelessness where the last miserable chancers throw in the towel.
There are some signs we’re nearly there.
I understand Bitcoin, and I understand blockchain technology and it’s potential, so media FUD and other poisonous tweets & articles don’t scare me, they just encourage me that we’re getting closer to rock bottom and hence to the turning point.
Don’t listen to the haters and no-coiners, cryptocurrency is alive and well. It isn’t going anywhere. Every market has bull and bear periods, it is only natural and extremely healthy for the market to correct itself after a massive bull run.
Thanks for reading, and stay strong :-)
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