According to available information, no funds were actually stolen, they are just frozen in their respective MS contracts. Following info can be deduced from it:
This affects only Parity MultiSig wallets. Normal wallets are not affected in any way, nor are MultiSig wallets provided by other vendors most likely bounce soon
If Parity doesn't find a solution for this, this might significantly decrease circulating ETH supply (temporarily)
If programmatic solution can't be used to release the funds, HardFork will ber required to modify the MultiSig wallet smart contract
This HardFork does not need to be done ASAP and if such drastic measures are deemed necessary, EF will most likely create EIP and bundle it as a part of scheduled Constantinople ETH HF
This situation may lead to potential price drop for projects holding their funds in Parity Multisig wallet
No funds were stolen, current ETH drop might thus be only temporary, depending on market conditions