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RE: When Can Tax Authorities Grab Your Crypto?

in #crypto6 days ago

If I don't have the authority to write my rules down and force them onto you, and you don't have the authority to write your rules down and force them onto others, and neither of us can delegate an authority we don't have, where do the cops get their authority?

No one rules where none obey.™


But most will obey, that's the problem. Even getting to that 10% is a problem.

Once it gets bad enough, things will change.
The 'I just want to be left alones' will stand up, at some point.
When that happens, look out.

Man I hope you're right and that happens. It needs to and soon. But I still see way too many of the 'I just want to be left alones' still wanting to be left alone and avoid anything that might force them to find some courage.

When it starts it will be an avalanche.
The ones too scared to go out on their own will quickly join the mob.
Once that happens, there will be excesses.
Then people will pull back and begin making the new way the norm.

First they ignore you.
Then they ridicule you.
Then they attack you.
Then you win.

The attacks are showing up at the gas pump and the grocery stores.
We are about to win.