If this scares you, get out now! If not, this is either a time you'll hold or buy. It's as simple as that. If you're looking for someone to stare into their crystal ball and tell you the future because you've lost so much money by following the herd, then that's probably the reason you're in the predicament you're in now. Stay calm, rejoice, and sing, the end is not nigh.
Those who are scared by the falling prices are uneducated and clearly sheep. It all comes down to understanding what you are investing in. if you don't understand ask questions, or better yet don't simple invest because someone you know/follow did.
Its great to ask questions and get advice from those more experienced but take everyone's advice with, at least, a tiny grain of salt. Don't follow blindly. Trust but verify then make your own decisions. Nothing is 100% guaranteed.
Always , because sometimes others intentions are different to your own. and yes if you go in with the attitude of 100% is not guaranteed the little win you have will feel that much better
text of this post and it appears original!