Coinbase Blocks Wikileaks


Wikileaks tweeted on Friday that their account connected with coinbase in the wikileaks online shop had been blocked.


The wikileaks tweet also contained a screen shot of coinbases email, claiming wikileaks violated the terms and conditions..


It is not a surprise that coinbase are distencing themselves from wikileaks, as they seem to becoming more cosier with governemnt organisations by the day....


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Wow! That is a serious policy shift!

Hmmmm! Interesting they would take this step but encouraging to see them gaining mainstream cred by following the "rules."

Never a dull day in crypto!

you mean cosying up to the world government order that murders, rapes, steals and lies?
what great ethics you have. time to wake up, snoozy.

Oh I am anti-establishment I can assure you. Just looking for the silver lining in this which is these arseholes shutting down on potentially controversial groups, showing conformation to official groups, dispelling the lawless chaos FUD being tossed at Crypto, and drag a bunch of new normies in with their FIAT to boost the market cap of crypto.

Definitely a long shot of a silver lining I suppose.

o sorry i misread you.

no silver lining, if i ever used coinbase i wouldn't in the future, they are clearly pro-establishment and don't deserve our business, like monsanto, coca cola or jp morgan et al.

Yah I reread my reply and unless you knew me on STEEMit, looks like I am cow-towing to these twits. I already refused to use them as an exchange and this just strengthens it.

Now that we cannot use Coinbase, who are its competitors?

Now that we cannot use Coinbase, who are its competitors?

Robinhood looks like it will be fees...still waiting for the release though...