Syscoin Blockmarket to Surpass Ebay

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers, Syscoin who are (Partners with Microsoft Azure) in my opinion will surpass Ebay & in this post I will reveal why I believe this. On Monday 22nd August 2016 the Main Stream Media released news that Syscoin has launched their company Blockchain Foundry Inc. which is an establishment as the Leading Developers of Blockchain Solutions for Businesses & Individual Consumers Using several of the most Developed & Robust Blockchain Technologies.

Read The Full Article Here;_ylt=A9mSs3TBOLtXpAQAYytLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByaW11dnNvBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--

Why do I & many loyal Syscoin supporters & investors believe the Syscoin Blockmarket will Surpass Ebay? Simple!
For starters Syscoin offers near-zero cost financial transactions & provides businesses the infrastructure to trade goods, assets, digital certificates & data securely. The Blockmarket removes the middlemen from the buying & selling process which gives the buyers & the sellers a true peer-to-peer marketplace, which results in a substantially lower cost with 100% uptime, redundancy, & security built-in.

If you haven't already invested into Syscoin then you should take advantage of the opportunity now while you still have time. The price of 1 Syscoin right now is £0.00821540

The founder Dan Wasyluk of Syscoin said that he would be announcing some good news on Tuesday 6th September "Exciting Blockmarket & Syscoin 2.1 development updates!"

I predict that we will see another sharp rise in the Syscoin price on Tuesday just like we saw on the last news announcement, which I predicted in my last Syscoin post just before the announcement telling all the Steemers to invest into Syscoin... The price went from £0.007 on the Saturday to £0.0105 on the Monday.

I predict we will see another rise in the Syscoin price to 0.0105 after the announcement on Tuesday 6th Sept 2016 & most likely a lot higher. So seize the opportunity quickly!

The Syscoin team have a huge loyal following on their slack channel which you can join here

If You Missed One of My Other Recent posts on Syscoin VS OpenBazaar then here it is

DISCLAIMER: All of the above is based on my own analysis. I am not a financial adviser. Always conduct your own due diligence when you invest in anything always. I own some Syscoins. All images were taken from google images.


stillsafe thanks for this update on syscoin .

It's always a pleasure :) Thanks for upvoting! :)

Interesting. What would be the quickest and easiest way to buy some if im not set up with any coin-based currency yet?

You would have to buy it from an exchange such as

Excellent post
Might have to buy some more syscoin

Yes you should! :)

Thank you. Maybe a bit of a weird question considering, but do they or anyone else in this space accept paypal?

Through a marketmaker yes but not by itself :)

and a marketmaker would be....
haha sorry. hashtag newb.

A market maker (onramp or offramp) You can use shapeshift but Syscoin is not on their yet. It is getting easier to get into crypto via paypal.. many websites now

Thank you!

Nice post. Long syscoin.

Thank you g-dubs! :)


You're very welcome! & Thank you for upvoting!

Thanks for interesting post as a one of syscoin fans.

Thank you for the upvote! :)

Nice post. I was about to post a similair post. Sell the coins that you know nothing about. Do proper research on any coin you buy. If the market falls at least you can hold your coins knowing they have a long term future. Does anyone know about: I'm using this site that gives in depth reports on every tradable cryto in the market. On: For a complete SysCoin Investment analysis.