THE HALVING HAS happened and WHAAAAAAAT? The Price Slightly Dropped around 4 - 5% yesterday ..
For Miners There Block Reward has been cut by Half from 25 to 12.5 Coins making it harder to Mine . But FEAR NOT..Many New BIG Startups in China are still starting up HUGE mining Companies.
You see it isn't that Bad right?
Most Of Us Anticipated a HUGE Rise but we can't judge that in short term~
Now the Price is Rising Steadily and Hope it will go up to $700 - $900 Range OR even HIGHER!
Many MAJOR GIANT Companies Like Steam , Mitsubishi UFJ , Coinbase & Paypal teaming up together and many many more!
Mitsubishi UFJ Investing in COINBASE!
The RISE of Bitcoin Will come soon and keep your HOPES HIGH!
KEEP UP THE TRENDS BY Creating Alerts in Google ~ Search bitcoin price in News Section
Here is the reason why it will take a few weeks or months:
I think it will take 3-4 weeks before the market reflects the having
Source/explanation, please?
Thanks in advance ^_^
here u go:
Yeah I was hoping for a spike to at least $625 and then a steady rise from there, that was a very interesting video you linked to there.
That was a colossal mining factory, with a colossal bill, places like that need the Bitcoin price to rise.
Thanks ! and yes we need more COLOSSAL mining factories!