
Because ... gentlemen.

I was under the impression people were buying bitcoin to trade for Ethereum

That's all I've been using Bitcoin for lately. I've got my initial holdings all tucked away but buying eth has me going from fiat to Bitcoin then Bitcoin to ethereum.

It's a bit of a process with wait times being a few days... With bitcoins volitility as it is and the halving coming up buying large amounts waiting for them to go through just to transfer into ethereum is interesting.

No one cares about the halving.

perhaps ETH price has nothing to do with what BTC is doing...

perhaps as more people are becoming aware of the potential of cryptocurrencies and seeing what they missed out on by buying BTC, they see greater opportunity with ETH as it's price is relatively low and figure it's a wise investment to jump on now...

perhaps ETH is a wise investment and there's more attention on it now, as there's been lots of news on all the different developments being built on the platform...

Actually, BTC has been outperforming ETH in the short term, although ETH is winning out in the last day or two. Versus the USD, ETH has broken out quite decisively.

enter image description here

After the last halving of reward BTC his price has grown almost 100 times. So now everyone is starting to go crazy...