So today was extreamly interest! My first day and we had a Crypto Mining Virus which was using Cryptoloot on 3 out of 5 of our websites!
It was from Crypto Loot! This was proper interesting as I love Crypto so I was instantly hooked, Genuinely I did not leave the office all day! I could not of asked for something more down my street!
How to find if a website is running the tool and using your CPU Power to mine coins!
Right click on the website
Then click on View page Source
Use the CTRL + F (Find)
Then just search for anything to do with Mining or crypto etc!
I really enjoyed looking into this, it made me think if that has been on during the whole break across 67 servers someone has made a lot of money somewhere. Baring in mind they don't get tracked/Reported, People just remove the virus and carry on with there day to day life.
Makes me wounder, how many sites are doing this without us knowing?
Here are just two Huge names who had miners encrypted into there websites:
*Installing and Ad-Blocker can easily solve this or download Nocoin :)
Well here is a little information on that:
Nice to see other crypto heads on steem talking about crypto miner script. I just did a tutorial on how to do it the legal and right way. Lets keep the movement active. Checkout my post please!
Here is the link
@kaliweed Thanks for the comment man I have checked u out aswell and upvoted and followed I'll have a look!
no problem