My response to Cryptobloods support for paying taxes

Do you believe in FATE? then take the Red pill cryptoblood

Dude, i almost threw up listening to that FUD today? I lov ya man, but?
Please read the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights the US Government signed and agreed to uphold. linked below.

Please read the Tax Act? All Corporations must pay taxes.
Your agreeing/Consenting to be a CORPORATION a tax slave
Are YOU a Fiction? Do YOU not breath? Do YOU not bleed?
Then YOUR NOT a Corporation but a Human Being. Right?

Get rid of your Citizenship.... it only allows CERTAIN Rights and Privileges. look into a human beings rights to see what you are freely giving up.

You defend paying taxes?
When the blinders are removed you might realize that the Tax-breaks for Coke, WalMart, NFL ... the list is very long. then you might see why the corporate citizen is being shock down for those roads, hospitals ect you mention we should be paying for if we use them??? NOT!?

Like that saying in the MATRIX movie; IGNORANCE IS BLISS!

video source/Youtube

Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to begin down the rabbit hole.

I spoke about the Human Rights at Anarchapulco 2017.
I hope to bring you up to speed, share a few drinks and puff, puff passes with you at

We are the Resistance.

May Your Health Be With YOU.png

love ya Bro!


this video interview by Sara Westall is great! just watched it with Judge Anna Von Reitz. there are people working behind the scenes. lets send them lots of love and light for greater awakening of humanity, and to lift the veil put upon all of us. Judge Anna talks about this it's easy to digest and understand.

a very useful program,i support your works friend,@healthiswealth

Steemit - thankyou U5dtq1a8QL4tDnQqpXQ7CXBYXRz46tm.gif

The whole world as we know it is all smoke and mirrors my friend, nothing but lies upon lies, cheers.