What's in a name?...
GODcoin, it doesn't just stand for Gold on Demand, but there is a higher and more divine essence in this name. Names have always been important because they hold significant meaning. Just look throughout the Bible and you will find countless stories about how each name held specific meaning and described that person's character. GODcoin is no different, even though it is the name of a cryptocurrency. This is no ordinary cryptocurrency since it will be more acceptable to God. GODcoin will offer what the world has failed to give, especially once an economic collapse occurs. GODcoin will also be environmentally friendly, it will provide security and stability unlike fiat currency and even Bitcoin.

From Psalm 23:5:
You have prepared tables in front of me opposite my enemies; you have anointed my head with oil and my cup overflows as if it were alive.
For those who put their faith in God, we know that He has control over everything and His will is always done. Even though a global economic collapse is imminent, God has prepared another way for us if we so choose that path. GODcoin is looking toward the future, and it has been established to be the successful monetary system in the New Kingdom that will be ushered in by Christ. Many are proclaiming that cryptocurrency is the future, but now even those who have praised Bitcoin are talking about their volatility and how they are becoming impossible to predict. From AMB Crypto:
Tom Lee, the co-founder of Fundstrat, who is well-known in the cryptocurrency community for his Bitcoin predictions, spoke about the whether or not he will continue to make predictions during an interview with Ran NeuNer for CNBC Crypto Trader. He also listed out the reasons as to why he is bullish on cryptocurrencies.
The interview began with NeuNer speaking about the past Bitcoin predictions made by both Lee and him, adding that they have 'got a lot of price predictions wrong'. This was followed by NeuNer asking Lee whether he was still making predictions.
Mr. Lee stated that he would not be making predictions as they are too difficult to predict, at least from the 12-month and forward timeframe. Bitcoin has seen a rollercoaster of ups-and-downs over the past year, and many are still growing skeptical while others remain hopeful. The thing about this is, is that Bitcoin and other non-asset backed currencies are too volatile, which tends to leave a lot of people's hopeful investments going down the drain. Don't wait until it is too late to invest in GODcoin, invest in security and your future today!
#ChristIsBack #HeIsHere #MondayMotivation #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Cryptocurrencies #blockchain #crypto-news #GODcoin #RayEl
This article was authored by Judith Monte, @belovebelight
There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin offer the illuminated path towards a prosperous future, but very soon, it will be the global currency. To learn more, visit the following links:
View the history leading up to the white paper
All information provided is available on the official website at https://godcoin.gold

GODcoin is the way of the future!
GODcoin has truly blossomed into the best ICO! It will be the currency of the new Kingdom!
GODcoin is a major key to what is coming!
Best to invest now!