Hack to amazon with parasite software to mine bitcoin

in #crypto-news7 years ago

Amazon cloud servers, one of the largest online sales portals in the world, were hacked for not being password protected and have been used by hackers to mine digital coins.

According to a report by RedLock Cloud Security Intelligence (CSI), a group of intelligence and security of the cloud, published in its most recent report that the servers of Amazon Web Services were compromised by hackers who were able to access the system. However, out of the ordinary, black hat hackers did not seek to steal information or abduct it, they just needed to access the power of computers to mine bitcoin.

According to the information revealed by RedLock, Amazon would not be the only company attacked, because Aviva and Gemalto, two multinationals were also indicated in the report as victims of the execution of Kubernetes containers.

Kubernetes is a free code system initially designed by google that facilitates the creation of applications for the cloud, and in this case was used to basically steal the energy of the cloud as a parasitic software. That is, software installed in the Amazon cloud moved the energy-related mining expenses to the other company.

images and source of the news, click here!


would u plzz help me how I can earn form Amazon

confia en la nube...