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Please watch: "Cryptocurrency- An Introduction: Featuring Elle & Crypt0! (Basics, Tips, Resources, & Much More!)"
That crypto thing is something else.
I know for sure it will go back up again but when?
Last time it took months, may be year to rebounce.
Well $50k ???
Keep on steemin'
Thanks for the news.
I subscribed channel
Your every video have important information
I am happy to follow you
great news,good sharing
thanks @crypt0
really nice thanks for sharing sir@crypt0 love it plz upvote me
its comprehensive post.i really apricate your activity.many many thanks for sharing...
While some contemplate suicide due to the dip, Omar instead just HODLs and drinks a juice box like a boss. Omar for president 2020 (the juice box can be vice-president if it wants).
O.n for
Nice post beautiful presented and explained @crypto0 reallly informative crypto post thanks for this
Talk about it Omar!! Drop that knowledge ... These lull periods is a great time for waves of new people to invest that have never experienced crypto... they will see for sure gains..likely double money before summer if not sooner.. which what better way is there to have an intro into crypto... #Hodl+Buy Spread the word
that's great to create the new sensation on the way..
some thing will be changed,,
great to share
keep it up...
thanks for sharing this news cryptographic..
Bautiful video really nice thanks for sharing sir@crypt0 love it plz upvote me 😍😍😍
Grateful for all the information. Greetings @crypt0
Great job.And nice video.Thanks for sharing the great post.
It's really good the way you are giving a good news to the world,,,,
I love your post,,, thank you my dear friend for sharing with #Us,,,,,,, and very good job,,,keep it #Up,,,
I honestly thought it was over but we just started to take another big hit wth!
This is a buying opportunity..... but I would tread lightly. Because Tether and Bitfinix, are a dark factor that can bring the market crashing. It could be another mount gox episode if tether is proven to be a scam. Tether created more than 2.3 billion coins in just 1.5 years..... and ignoring a subpoena. Looks and feel really fishy. I just hope I am wrong, but will have cash on the side...just in case I am right.
I support your work, @crypt0, but after having informed myself about how plastics (especially the tiniest ones) are literally exterminating sea diversity and slaughtering birds, the first 2 minutes of this video are really harsh to watch... Apart from that, keep up the good job! :-)
Only time can tell.
Long term belivers need to have strong hands and Hodl. Dow Jones had a bloodbarh to. Just wait it out .
Thanks for the Cryptocurrency news
**I appreciate your Post @crypt0
Good review of the news of the week! Just a good time to keep researching projects and getting into some positions by dollar cost averaging. That way you can always have some cash ready to put to work.
Watch out for the Main Street FUDster's
As always, love your content and the way you present it. Thank you for doing what you do. Stay Cryptic! (wink)