China Bans ICOs: Crypto Chaos! / Monero on Ledger Updates / OmiseGo Airdrop / What Next?

in #crypto-news8 years ago

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As always thanks Omar. I was halfway through the live show and lotsa good info and Q&A. Great show!

I'm excited about OmiseGo. Investing heavy into it.

Looking forwarf to see what hapoens with omg and eth. Great future for both ahead. Thanks Omar.

thanks @crypt0 - Informative post...

If people would do all things they say there would be a better world already but as we see - a lot of ICO works like scam and china reacts to this :( shame on scammers they don't see blockchain as a upcoming freedom revolution for all humanity and again greed wins. Thx for your post man :)

By "chaos" do you mean the price of BTC is ALL the way down to the price it was 2 weeks ago when it was an all time high? Lol. A little spoiled aren't we...?

What's next? --> Keep buying! :)

yes , great video , think its good you hold your coin or now even buy more if anyone is in good mode financially to invest in crypto market. we seen all this drama many times , this is not the fist time .

How much does it affect steem

Nice post @crypt0 ...upvoted...thanks for sharing... blessings

Thanks for not selling out. $200,000 would have been tempting I'm sure. I always appreciate the solid info from your vids.

Another great video @crypt0. Keep up the good work and we're all very glad to see those principles intact!

@crypt0 Thanks for sharing the news!

china played it smart huhhh

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I bought omg way back when u first mentioned about mac Thailand partnering with them and I m super grateful to u. I will b your patron one day if my pocket money increase.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment