Omisego (OMG) VS. TenX (PAY)?

Omisego (OMG) VS. TenX (PAY)? Which coin should you buy?

Both Omisego and TenX coins promise to bring about payment solutions for blockchain assets and crypto currencies.

While OMG coin has a higher market cap, it appears less developed than TenX (PAY) token a with a pre paid crypto debit card that is already in use in many countries and will be available in the US in Q4 2017.

Champagne plans to buy OMG and TenX (PAY) but chose to buy TenX first because he believes the coin will continue to move up in price at a faster pace than OMG already has.

What do you think? Omisego (OMG) VS. TenX (PAY)? Which coin should you buy? Leave a comment below.

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Two different coins. How is TenX more advanced when OMG has been operating for 3 years plus already?

TenX is arguably fully operational. The debit card has been deployed and is already in use. OMG has yet to launch their block chain and cannot be staked until Sept. I want to buy both buy chose to buy TenX first.

Good points, I bought both.

Another interesting thing behind TenX, is that they use a portion of the profits from every Debit Card Swipe to buy more PAY tokens. Which is why there have been huge bursts of growth for PAY. Everytime they ship out more cards, people use them, and in turn help TENX and PAY grow.

But another thing I really like is that, instead of these bullshit credit/debit rewards like .1% APR, TenX cards reward you in PAY and ETH 💥🎉

Pretty awesome rewards if you ask me!

I also think you'll be able to "stake" PAY and earn more rewards that way... I agree with @champagnecrypto that TenX is a little bit farther along their roadmap in development terms... It seems like OMG is still concerned with the $500,000,000+ of Fiat they move daily. 😏

Definitly tenX 👍

I achtually invested into both. But mainly in Tenx. What i really like about Tenx is that trust i have about them since Dr Julian Hosp has been in the German Youtube Scene for a long time and has a splended CV-record in my opinion. Also they are very transparent about there work progress and you can follow them on there youtube channel. Also both Tenx and OMG are backed by Vitalic so I think both are good for business. Theres loads of Banks so why should these to harm eachother as than create a market and demand. Thanks for the advice and Stuff
Just my 2 Cents!

I made a post to comment this post ( was to much to write to get it in this comment )

Keep up your good work!