You can earn on Internet today on many different ways. Many people go to youtube and produce short videos and live from the views they get. More views you get more your share is. Other people engage in bountys on bitcointalk. But there is also videogames where players play and get various items which then they can sell or exchange for something else. Prime example for that is skin market on steam with skins in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. You can have fun with your friends and with time get some crates with potentially valuable items inside. Some of those items fetch seriously high prices, even getting as high as 20 000 dollars. Insane isn't it?
But why are we talking about all this in our crypto blog, you may be asking yourself. It is because in crypto sphere there is a new project brewing. It is called SkinCoin project (https://skincoin.org/ ). SkinCoin is a trading and gambling platform that will allow you to trade or gamble with the said items in most popular games like CS, DOTA and so on. You may think it's stupid to trade with some imaginary items inside a game, but I think you wont anymore when you learn that market for skins and items is over 7 billion dollars in 2016. only. SkinCoin will be represented with an ethereum based token. I am sure you have all already heard about ethereum project and its uses. You can store your SkinCoin tokens on my ether wallet or some similar wallet provider which allows you to control private keys. With acquired tokens you will be able to buy and sell items, gamble and many more.

SkinCoin project is led by two men. They are Alexey Zakharov and Igor Solomatin. Besides them they have a lot of other people in the team like architect, developers, designers and much more. Together they have knowledge and ability to fight with every challenge that comes their way.
The team is also planning an ICO. ICO will be held on 21.6.2017. and will last a full month until 21.7.2017. There is a minimum amount to be raised, at 10 000 ethers which must be raised in order to complete the project. There is also a hard cap of 10 000 000 dollars after which ICO will stop. For 1 ether you will get 6000 SkinCoin tokens. There is a total of one billion tokens, out of which 600 million is going into ICO, 300 million is left for the foundation and 100 millions is for team members. You can also get a 20% bonus in first 3 days.

ICO is one way to earn tokens, but there is also another one. You can work on the marketing campaigns and earn yourself tokens. Work includes social media campaigns, signature campaigns, translations and other jobs which can help spread word about the project. You can check the rules here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1956510.0
If you want to know the details about this project, your sure bet is to head on the link and read the whitepaper which contains all information about SkinCoin project. You can find it here: https://skincoin.org/whitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk has also a thread for general discussion where you can ask all your questions: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1944508.0
Don’t forget, June 21. is the day of ICO. Participate and support SkinCoin: https://skincoin.org/
We wish luck to the people working on this project, and also people who will join SkinCoin community.
Bitcointalk: bobo012
Good post, but you have some typos.
Thanks, corrected ones that i caught